When Ning Mengyao saw them like this, he couldn't help but burst out laughing: "why do you believe what he says?"

The three brothers look at Ning Mengyao with a very sad look. They are serious nonsense about Qiao Tianchang, right? I didn't even blink.

During the fun, Qiao Tianchang has already cleaned up the prey. In fact, there are two rabbits.

"You can find rabbits in such a place. Brother Qiao, you are so powerful. But these rabbits haven't frozen to death. It's a miracle." Wen Yujing muttered, and then the human life took the things on the side to bake.

Wen's brother thought that he was doing a disservice. Who knows that before a while, the two brothers were impressed.

"When did you learn to barbecue? So familiar? " Wen Yuxin asked in surprise.

"Taught by brother and sister-in-law Joe." Thinking of the first day or two of learning, he really wanted to cry without tears. It was very depressing to think about it.

“……” The two brothers once again acquiesced. Was it their brother's elbow that turned out so badly, or was the couple so excellent? How could they let their third child learn how to barbecue? I don't know what kind of sensation it will cause if I'm at home.

When they were in low spirits, a business suddenly came out: "great, there is a cave here. Let's go in and hide."

The people outside walked into the cave and saw the barbecue in the cave. They were still boiling soup. Their eyes lit up immediately.

"Do you also go to the snow area?"

Ningmengyao sat on the edge and looked at this small group with a smile on her face. There were about eight or nine people. None of them looked very embarrassed. They looked at the barbecue on the fire and the soup pot on the edge with such eager eyes. It seemed that they were going to fight directly.

Wen Yujing sat on the edge and looked at the four people. When they saw that they didn't open their mouths, they wouldn't open their mouths. Among them, he was the youngest. His brother and sister-in-law didn't even speak. It was not until he came to open their mouths.

When they saw Joe Tianchang, none of them took care of them, and their faces slightly changed.

"Brothers, can you give us some of your food?" Is this asking their opinion? Why does this seem so natural?

Wen Yujing was not happy: "why should we give you food for what we have made?"

"Isn't it right for everyone to go out and take care of each other?" The person opposite said with a smile.

Hearing Yu Jing's sneer, "take care of me? What are you, let's take care of you? Want to eat? Take it out on your own. "

Not to mention what they didn't give these people to eat, even if there was one, he wouldn't agree. What brother Qiao and his sister-in-law made was so delicious. Instead of keeping their own food, they gave it to others. They didn't have a brain problem and did such stupid things.

Ning Mengyao looks at Wen Yujing and suddenly thinks that this man is cute. He looks like a baby protecting food.

"What do you mean?" The face of the man on the opposite side was gloomy.

"Literally, our soup is cooked by my sister-in-law, and the game is picked up by my eldest brother. What do you want to eat?" They want to eat if they don't do anything. How can they not be beautiful? It's shameful enough.

Ning Mengyao coughs softly, and her eyes are full of laughter.

Wen Yumin sighed heavily: "let's go back and tell my parents to give this brother to brother Qiao." Do you have such a brother? It's a shame.


“……” Wen Yuxin's speechless look at Wen Yujing, who is fighting with each other in saliva, answers quickly and says yes. He feels frustrated immediately.

"Brother Qiao and sister-in-law, we will give you this second brother." Wen Yuxin looked at Qiao Tianchang's husband and wife with sadness, as if they had something that people and gods were angry about.

Ning Mengyao looks at Wen Yuxin with a twitch at the corner of his mouth: "do you know that your father and mother sell your brother like this?"