Wen Yujing nodded incessantly: "that's right."

"Little three, I think we should have a good chat to let you know what it means to respect brother." Wen Yuxin said.

However, Yu Jing shook his head calmly: "I don't want to talk to you."

Later that group of people hear them unexpectedly such as nobody's talk, the facial expression is very difficult to see: "you seek to die."

When the other side was about to start, Qiao Tianchang suddenly took out the soft sword at his waist and split the hare on the ground into three and a half parts.

The fierce swordsmanship stopped the action of those people on the opposite side for a moment, and the expression on their faces was also very ugly.

Wen Yujing stopped people when he saw Qiao Tianchang didn't do anything. He chuckled: "I can't touch the cheap. I will die when I'm careful."

On the other hand, Wen Yujing wipes his neck, which makes people feel that they need to be beaten.

Ningmengyao has no choice but to look at and smell Yujing. This guy is really like a child. How can he be so childish?

The nine people on the opposite side stood like that, neither did they do it, nor did they do it. At last, one of them didn't know whether it was cowardly or how: "let's do it, they only have five people, nine of us, and they also have a woman."

When he said this, he looked at Xiangning Mengyao with a little indecency. Just as Yujing was about to get angry, he heard a scream. Look carefully. The man who just spoke covered his eyes with his hands, and the expression on his face was full of pain.

"Who gives you the courage to look at my daughter-in-law with such eyes?" Qiao Tianchang's voice was so cold that people nearby could not help shivering.

Wen Yujing shrinks his neck and suddenly feels that elder brother Qiao's attitude towards him just now is really very gentle. He should be satisfied.

"Kill him, kill him for me." The man who was blinded by Qiao Tianchang was howling in pain, which made people feel miserable.

However, for such a person, Wen Yujing thought that it was self-made. He had nothing to do with looking at other's daughter-in-law with such disgusting eyes.

After thinking about it, Wen Yujing looked at his second eldest brother: "do you see the second eldest brother? Learn from brother Joe. "

“……” Wen Yumin and his brother suddenly thought they wanted to beat him.

Qiao Tianchang gives Ning Mengyao the things in his hand, and then walks step by step in front of each other: "want to kill me?"

"This brother, have something to say." When the people on the side saw Qiao Tianchang's appearance, they were afraid of him. They could not provoke him.

Qiao Tianchang looked at the person opposite with his hands around his chest, smiling like a smile. "What can I do for you?"

Wen Yujing made a sound, then walked to Qiao Tianchang's side, looked at these people ironically, and said with great contempt, "what can I say? We don't want to talk to you. Since you came in, you seem to be looking for our trouble. You want us to talk to you well. Do you have a brain problem or something? "

People on the border naturally know the meaning of Yujing, which is not willing to reconcile at all.

"We've all bowed our heads. You'd better not push forward."

"What's the point? How about if we can make more progress today? What can you do with us? " Wen Yujing picked up his eyebrows and looked at them. Although he didn't really see brother Qiao do it, it's said that brother Qiao must be very powerful, and his sister-in-law.


Qiao Tianchang on the side didn't speak, just looked at the person opposite with a smile. They didn't like some things that were wasteful, so they left them to Wen Yujing.

"What do you want?" The man on the edge was silent for a while, looking at Ning Mengyao, they frowned and asked.

"You're saying it as if it were our fault." Hearing Yu Jing's sneer, he gave them a very ironic look.

Is that the highest level of hufeihuwei? Wen Yujing is not the opponent of the other side. However, there are several people supporting him to say what he wants. How can these people get angry again? Not yet.