The atmosphere of the two sides is a bit tense. Ning Mengyao's strength cannot be found by the other side. If there is no way, they can only make an apology to Ning Mengyao and others, and the matter will be over here. Although Yu Jing didn't want to be with these people, he thought that they didn't come to harass people now, which will suppress their dissatisfaction.

For such a long time, if it wasn't for Ning Mengyao to look at the baked things on the fire, they would have to eat dry food.

"Wow, brother Joe's meat is delicious." Wen Yujing shouted after eating the meat of the animal like a mouse.

This kind of meat was originally delicate, and now it's well cooked. It's so delicious.

Wen Yumin and Wen Yuxin didn't expect the taste of this little thing to be so good.

"It's delicious." Wen Yujing reached out and touched his round belly, excitedly.

Wen Yumin nodded at the same time: "sister in law, your skill is very good."

"If you like it, just have a drink of soup and have a rest. Tomorrow you have to go." Ningmengyao took a look at the people on the edge, with a little mockery at the bottom of her eyes.

Wen Yujing and hehe laughed, went to Wen Yumin and closed their eyes.

As for their brother's completely impolite appearance, they have no choice but to have a headache after hearing about Yumin. Can this boy not be so heartless?

Qiao Tianchang took a look at the three men, hugged Ning Mengyao in his arms, covered his cloak and closed his eyes.

In the middle of the night, the sound of rustling suddenly came to mind in the cave. Qiao Tianchang's body moved slightly, and then recovered its calm.

The next day I found the dry food that ningmengyao brought: "sister-in-law, why do you bring something that tastes different from what we bring?"

"I made it myself." Ningmengyao hasn't answered Wen Yujing's words yet. Qiao Tianchang on the edge has already opened his mouth. The languid appearance makes Wen Yujing feel indescribable.

In a word, I killed Wen Yujing completely. OK, I made it myself. I made it myself. I can't cook for bullying them, can I?

After the meal, Ning Mengyao and Qiao Tianchang went out and frowned slightly after seeing the scene outside the cave.

"It's snowstorm, and it's very big. I'm afraid we can't go out for the time being." Ning Mengyao frowned and said, "I didn't expect to meet such a thing on the first night of entering the snow mountain. It's really a great gift for her.".

"Ah? How long are we going to stay with these nasty guys? I really don't want to stay with them anymore. " Wen Yujing is a straightforward man. When he heard that Ning Mengyao said that he could not leave this place for the time being, his face was a little ugly.

Ning Mengyao shook her head: "I'm not sure. If you want to go out, you can only go out after the Blizzard is a little smaller."

Wen Yujing gives Ning Mengyao a sad look, and all of them will collapse.

"How long will you watch your sister-in-law like this?" Qiao Tianchang frowned discontentedly and said.

Wen Yujing flat mouth, lying on his brother's shoulder, frowned and said: "elder brother, I am so bored."

"It's really boring."

Ningmengyao took a look at the small cave, but she was helpless. The place is so big. If it goes on like this, it won't do them any good.

"Tianchang, what do you think we should do?" Ningmengyao didn't know what to do for a while, whether to stay or leave here.

"A blizzard shouldn't last long." Qiao Tianchang looked outside and said.

This time, not only did the three brothers look at Qiao Tianchang, but also the people in the opposite side looked at Qiao Tianchang with the same eyes, which seemed to be expecting him to be able to speak more clearly.

"Qifeng told me that the weather on the snow mountain is unpredictable. No one knows what the weather will be like next second." Joe Tianchang said slowly.

"And then?" Ning Mengyao frowned and asked.

"Although it often snows on the snow mountain, there are few such storms." Qiao Tianchang said with a smile.

Ningmengyao's eyes brightened: "yes, how could I not have thought of it?"