Wen Yujing looked at his two elder brothers and asked strangely, "elder brother, do you understand?"


"What's brother Joe talking about?" Wen Yujing frowned and asked discontentedly.

Why is it true that he can't understand?

"You can't stop reading more books." Wen Yuxin hates iron but not steel and looks at Wen Yujing and says.

Wen Yujing looks at his two brothers with a blank face. Does it have anything to do with how much he reads?

They are talking about the blizzard. Why did it become involved in how many books he read?

"Wen Yuxin is often bullied by you at home?" Ning Mengyao asked jokingly.

Wen Yujing nodded quickly: "sister in law, you are right. My two brothers are not authentic at all. They just bully me every time."

Ningmengyao reached out and patted Yujing's head. It was like patting a pet dog. How do you think of the painting style and what's wrong with it.

"Sister in law, don't you bully people like that?" Wen Yujing wants to cry without tears.

Ning Mengyao looked at Wen Yujing and said, "OK, stop making noise, be good."

"Sister in law, I think you are better than my two brothers, or you can be my elder sister. Anyway, I have no elder sister, and I am always bullied by two elder brothers." Wen Yujing looks at Ning Mengyao pitifully.

After getting along with her, she really likes Ning Mengyao. Although she looks a little unattainable, she is very gentle. He likes to talk to Ning Mengyao best. It seems that no matter what he says, Ning Mengyao can answer him, more than the second brother knows.

“……” Ningmengyao couple.

“……” Brother Wen Yumin.

“……” All the people watching the play nearby.

"Sister in law, do you agree? I'll call you sister later, and then brother Qiao brother-in-law? " Wen Yujing looks at Ning Mengyao with a pitiful look.

Ning Mengyao feebly stroked his forehead and looked at his brother's two with no words: "you don't care?"

"I don't care." This son of a bitch hates them, doesn't he?

Wen Yujing glanced at the three men, and the poor Baba's expression changed: "I don't care. I'll call you elder sister later. It's useless if you don't agree."

“……” Ning Mengyao looks at Wen Yujing without words. Is this to be forced to buy and sell?

Qiao Tianchang on the side looked at Wen Yujing, then nodded: "well, it's not bad to have such a brother."

"Brother in law, do you agree?" Wen Yujing's eyes brightened immediately, and the speed of changing his tongue was really fast.

Qiao Tianchang nodded, "well, since we are your elder sister and brother-in-law, can we practice you as we like?"

Wen Yujing looks at Qiao Tianchang stupidly: "what do you mean, brother-in-law?"

"Well, you don't want to lose face in front of your niece, do you?" Qiao Tianchang said with a smile, that made ningmengyao's mouth slightly twitch. This man is really like Grandma wolf.

Wen Yujing looks at Qiao Tianchang innocently: "what does this have to do with my nephew and niece?"

"Your eldest nephew's martial arts at the age of eight are very good. Apart from these, your youngest nephew also likes Qin very much, but it must be better than you. As for your niece, she is good in medicine and poison. In addition, her lightness skills and fist and foot skills are also very good. Every time they meet, they will have a duel. You say that you are a 20-year-old who can't even fight a child. How humiliating will you be?" Qiao Tianchang said with great emphasis.

“……” Wen Yumin's two brothers look at Qiao Tianchang with a kind of strange eyes, speechless. This man is really You don't need to show off, do you?

"Oh, by the way, you have a nephew. He's married. He knows more. If you don't learn, I'm afraid you'll lose face." Qiao Tianchang sighed heavily. He looked worried.

Ningmengyao is about to lie on the ground with a smile. She can't help but look at the confused look of Yujing.