It took Yu Jing a long time to finish joking about Qiao Tianchang's words, however

"Ah You've got a son married? " The harsh voice made the people in the cave couldn't help but cover their ears. Not only that, the snow outside kept falling, which showed how big his decibel was.

Qiao Tianchang looks at Wen Yujing in silence. Does this guy have a clear understanding of his point.

"How old are you this year, sister? How old is my great nephew? "

"Me? I'm almost thirty years old, and your nephew is going to be nineteen. " Ning Mengyao asked with great energy.

"Oh, thirty, nineteen, wait, no, sister, you didn't have a baby at eleven? My brother-in-law is a beast. " Wen Yujing roared again.

"Hahaha I'm so happy. I never thought that our junior had such a funny side. It's so funny. " People who know that the general and his wife know that their eldest son is an adopted son. Now he said that he would marry at the age of eleven. It's really funny. It's also funny.

Wen Yumin's eyes were also full of smiles. Didn't this younger brother see his new brother-in-law's expression now?

Qiao Tianchang has a black face: "who are you talking about, boy?"

"Isn't that you? My sister is less than 30 years old. She has a 19-year-old son. What do you think you are not an animal? " After hearing Yujing's crackling, he said a lot.

“……” Joe Tianchang had a slight twitch at the corner of his mouth, not only at the corner of his mouth, but also at the corner of his eyes.

Qiao Tianchang frowned and looked at Qiao Tianchang: "what expression do you have?"

Ningmengyao had just come back from the rolling thunder and saw the two people like this: "it's actually my adopted son, not my own son."

"Oh, it's a son, huh? Sister, what did you just say? " Wen Yujing turns his head to look at Ning Mengyao and asks in confusion.

Ningmengyao reached out and stroked her forehead. She was helpless and said, "feng'er is my adoptive son to Tianchang. Your brother-in-law and I are good friends with his father."

After listening to Ning Mengyao's explanation, Wen Yujing suddenly lost his head. Seeing Qiao Tianchang's dark face, he immediately remembered what he had done.

Looking at Qiao Tianchang without tears, "brother in law, I'm wrong."

"Hahaha." Hearing Yu Xin, I couldn't help it. I totally ignored the image and burst out laughing. In that way, no matter how it looked, it was like pulling hatred value.

"As long as the junior three knew that their eldest son was a son, didn't you know?" Wen Yumin was also very funny to ask, this younger brother has been confused is really invincible ah.

Hearing that Yujing was about to cry, he looked at ningmengyao with no tears. He said gloomily, "I don't know."

“……” Wen's brother is speechless. People all over the world know that he doesn't know? I don't know what to say about him.

Joe Tianchang shook his head helplessly: "come on, don't pretend to be pitiful there."

Joe Tianchang didn't know what to say to this cheap brother.

Ningmengyao has a look at wenyujing. It's really a big boy.

"Sister, brother-in-law will not be angry?" Wen Yujing asked carefully as Qiao Tianchang approached Ning Mengyao.

"Well, he won't be angry." Ning Mengyao shakes her head. Although she won't be angry, she won't make him feel better.

In Qiao Tianchang's heart, Wen Yujing is their younger brother now, so he must not be like this now, so on the way, Wen Yujing may be unlucky.

However, he didn't know at all when he heard Yu Jing. Instead, he patted his chest and said, "I'm relieved."

“……” Ning Mengyao has no choice, this two silly children.

After hearing about Yujing, what Qiao Tianchang said just now was just over.

The people on the edge, looking at them so embarrassed, and the people who were blinded by Joe Tianchang, looked at them with grim eyes, he would not let his eyes be blinded like this.