It took them another three days to get to the snow field. The location of this place is very strange. The house is different from the outside. The house in this place can be called house.

"Let's find a place to live." Qiao Tianchang looked around and said.


Ningmengyao and others found an ordinary farmhouse. There was only one old man and a seven or eight year old child in the family's house. The child's face was red and swollen due to the cold weather, and his lips were also dry.

Ning Mengyao looked at the child's appearance and took out a box of ointment from the bag he had with him: "here you are."

The little girl looked at Ning Mengyao, and her expression was a little dull.

"This can be used to wipe your face, so you won't get frostbite like this." Ning Mengyao explained softly.

"Girl, it's too expensive. Don't......" The old man quickly refused.

"I still have it here. It's just for use. Don't worry, sir." Ning Mengyao said with a smile.

The little girl reached for the ointment, and said timidly in her voice, "thank you, sister."

Ning Mengyao smiled and didn't say anything. Five of them occupied three rooms of their home. The room was very spacious and clean, which didn't make people feel disorderly.

After settling down, Ning Mengyao and Qiao Tianchang went out. When they came back, they followed several people.

"Sister, who are they?"

"My man, come to help us find someone ahead of time." Ning Mengyao explained casually.

"How is it? How are Qifeng and nishang doing now? " Ningmengyao asked when she took people to the room.

The leader nodded: "they are all right for the time being, but there are many people outside, they say it's for the treasure map."

"Treasure map? Is there such a thing? " Ning Mengyao frowned and asked, thinking of the drawing in their hands at the same time.

"The subordinates have looked for them, and the answer is that there is no so-called treasure map in the snow area. As for how to spread the news, they are not very clear."

Ningmengyao did not wrinkle up tightly, even Qiao Tianchang's eyes flame with obvious worry: "Qifeng there you think of a way to let them come here."


Several people also have their own residence, so they did not stay.

"Tianchang seems that the snow is not so peaceful." Ning Mengyao said thoughtfully.

"Well, no matter what, seeing Qifeng is saying." Qiao Tianchang said with a frown.

Ningmengyao reached out his hand and rubbed his eyebrows: "it's really something that can get into trouble anywhere."

Qiao Tianchang smiled at Ning Mengyao and said, "well, don't think so much about it. Do as you like."


Wen Yujing's three brothers never spoke. They thought that maybe they had come to the wrong place on this snow trip. But when they saw Ning Mengyao and his wife, they didn't think they had come in vain.

In the evening of the next day, a man and a woman came in wrapped tightly. When they saw them, Ning Mengyao and Qiao Tianchang recognized them at first sight. They were Xiao Qifeng and Xue nishang.

"Let's go in and say."

Wen Yumin took a look at them and stood up: "if you have anything, we will go out first."

"No, these things are good for you, you know. Just stay here." Qiao Tianchang said in a deep voice.

The three brothers of Wen Yumin looked at each other, then walked to one side and sat down.

Xiao Qifeng took off his hood and looked at the three people on the edge. "Are they?"

"Wen Yumin, Wen Yuxin, Wen Yujing, this is my brother, this is Xiao Qifeng, and that is his wife Xue nishang." Ningmengyao made a brief introduction for five people.



After the two sides said hello, Qiao Tianchang looked at Xiao Qifeng: "what happened here?"

"Something happened in the snow." Xiao Qifeng looked at Qiao tiancang for a while, then said in a deep voice.

Qiao Tianchang's eyebrows slightly wrinkled, and the expression on his face was very ugly: "what happened? What do you mean? "

Xiao Qifeng sighed, and then took off the hood on the head of the snow clothes.

When Ning Mengyao saw the appearance of snow and neon clothes, their faces suddenly changed.

"What's the matter? How can the nishang look like this? "