Xue nishang put on her hood and said after a silence: "before the treasure map was spread out, there were a group of people in the snow area. When we came back, we met them. Those people started to fight with Qi Feng to let my parents and grandpa hand over the things."

"And those people?" Joe asked coldly.

"They? It's still in the snow. As for where we are, we don't know. We just know that their people are very powerful. We are not their rivals. " If there's a way, they won't do it.

Her face has been destroyed by those people now, and she doesn't want to do anything else. As long as she can keep the snow area and let the people in the snow area have a good life, it's enough.

Ningmengyao reached out and patted the shoulder of snow and neon: "go back and let Grandpa black and Qingshuang show you. They have a way."

"Mengyao, I'm ok. I'm afraid my face will always look like this." The snow neon dress subconsciously stroked his cheek, then whispered.

Ningmengyao reached out and patted her head for a while, then frowned and said, "don't think about it. They haven't done anything like this. Fenger's face has been hurt more seriously than yours before, and it's cured."

Xiao Qifeng looked at Ning Mengyao: "really?"

"Well, so don't worry too much."

Qiao Tianchang took out the healing medicine and gave it to Xiao Qifeng: "yes."

"Tianchang can't hide anything from you." Xiao Qifeng took Qiao Tianchang's pill and said with a wry smile.

At Xiao Qifeng's glance, Qiao Tianchang's eyebrows slightly wrinkled: "are you going to let those people go?

"Forget it? How is this possible? We will not let those who hurt us live well. "

"I'll let the people on my side look into this matter. Don't move your side for the time being, until we find out." Ning Mengyao said in a cold voice when he was planning to have two.

Qiao Tianchang turns to look at Ning Mengyao: "no problem?"

"Well, don't worry, there won't be any problem, and I suspect those people are the Shaw family." Ning Mengyao said with a frown.

Xiao Qifeng did not wrinkle: "Xiao family? They can't reach that long, can they? "

"It's just my guess. I know from your mouth that the people who are fighting against you are very powerful. Besides being powerful, do they have any strange appearance?" Ning Mengyao thought and asked.

Xue nishang thought carefully: "I remember when you said that, the actions of those people are stiff, and they don't seem to be afraid of pain at all."

"It seems that it's really the Xiao family." Ning Mengyao said thoughtfully.

"But how could they come to this place? Let's give them something, but they didn't say anything, and grandpa looked very strange when he saw them. " Snow nishang suddenly thought of his grandfather, with the inquiry in mind.

She thought about how to deal with the wound on her face. It was only because a lot of herbs were gone and kept by those people. When those people left and something happened at home, she had no time to find herbs that could cure the wound on her face.

Ningmengyao sighed and said seriously, "if so, I'm afraid I have to see your grandfather before I know."

Xue nishang shook her head: "it's no use. Since those people left, my grandfather has not spoken again."

Ning Mengyao looks at her strangely: "why?"

"I don't know, just listen to my father, my grandfather seems to wait for someone else." Snow nishang shakes her head and doesn't understand what happened.

"In this way, no matter what, we should try it, otherwise we don't know what happened. In this way, the snow area will be dangerous." Said Ning Mengyao.

The three brothers of Wenjia are not very clear about their affairs. Apart from the words of wenyujing, they all understand a little half of what they mean.

Wen Yujing's eyes are turning into mosquito coils now.

"Elder sister, I can't understand what you are talking about." Wen Yujing's eyes are full of blankness. "It's OK. It's just something about our family. If it doesn't work well, people on this side of the snow area will be involved." Ning Mengyao explained with a smile.