Wen Yujing made a sound, but she still didn't quite understand her meaning.

"Sister, why do I think it's complicated? Will we be in your way here? " Wen Yujing asked with a frown.

Ningmengyao shook her head: "it's OK. Be careful and protect yourself."


Xiao Qifeng looks at Ning Mengyao and then at Wen Yujing: "Mengyao, you are a good brother."

"Do you think so? I like this brother, too. " Ning Mengyao said with a smile.

"Nishang, we'll go back with you later and meet your grandpa." Said Jo Tianchang suddenly.

This matter needs to be decided quickly. It's been delayed for a long time. He's worried about what will happen.

"Well, I'll show you later." Xue nishang nods seriously. Maybe they can help?

When it's dark, Ning Mengyao looks at the three brothers and says, "be careful. We may come back late tonight."

"Don't worry, sister. We're OK." Wen Yujing quickly said.

Wen Yumin nodded: "yes, we will be careful here. You don't have to worry about us."


Ning Mengyao and his wife followed Xiao Qifeng and left. Wen Yumin looked at their two younger brothers and said, "if you can help us, please help them. At least don't give them any trouble, do you know?"

Wen Yujing looked at his brother discontentedly: "elder brother, are you talking about me?"

"What do you say?" Wen Yumin gave the younger brother a bad look.

“……” Wen Yujing's part-time job is to cry without tears. Is he so unreliable?

If Wen Yumin knew what he was thinking, he would nod his head seriously. He was so unreliable.

Wen Yujing reached for his chin and said, "elder brother, do you think elder sister is particularly mysterious?"

It's not a matter of course that Wen Yumin and his wife took a look at him?

"Tongbaozhai is the most mysterious existence among all forces. Can she not be mysterious as the master?" Wen Yuxin looked at his brother and shook his head helplessly.

Wen Yujing frowned: "I don't mean that. I mean that in addition to this identity, my sister is very mysterious. She seems to have a lot of people around her."

"There are all kinds of capable people and different people in tongbaozhai. Except for a few of them, I'm afraid no one knows the specific strength of tongbaozhai." Wen Yumin said in a deep voice.

Wen Yujing reached out his hand and touched his chin: "never mind that much."

Wen Yuxin looked at his heartless little three and shook his head helplessly and said, "little three, I don't know where you came from. I can even get the favor of tongbaozhai master and become her younger brother."

"Second brother, are you envious?" Wen Yujing said with a wink and a smile.

"I do envy you." They can see that Ning Mengyao is very indulgent to Wen Yujing. He is asking a lot of questions, and Ning Mengyao will answer very patiently.

Not only that, it seems that as long as Yujing hears what he wants, ningmengyao will give it.

Wen Yumin looked at Wen Yujing and said, "although you are favored by Ning Mengyao, junior, don't betray and keep your original heart."

Ningmengyao is the one who hates betrayal the most. If she doesn't betray you, she can give you heart and lungs. But if you betray, the consequences may be very serious.

Wen Yujing looked at Wen Yumin discontentedly, frowned and said, "of course I know. I really like this sister. I'm warm with her."

Wen Yuxin reached out his hand and hit him on the head: "do you mean it's cold with us?"

"That's not true. I just think you always bully me when I'm with you. My sister won't." Wen Yujing is not a fool. Naturally, he can feel that Ning Mengyao is good to him.