Xiao Qifeng frowned: "we went to look for herbs, so you have no problem here?"

"Some of my people are in the snow area, and Wenjia brother. We have no problem together. Your main task now is to cure your injuries first." Ning Mengyao looked at the two men frowning and said.

Xue nishang looks at Ning Mengyao and smiles: "Mengyao, you are so nice."

Since they came back, they didn't take a good breath. Later, they were injured one after another. It doesn't count if they were injured. More importantly, they didn't even have time to find the herbs. It's so sad.

"We are friends. Taking good care of ourselves is the most important thing. As for other things, we will do well." Ning Mengyao said softly.

Xue nishang nodded: "OK, if you need any help, you can tell me. I will find a way." Said the snow neon dress very seriously.

"This is your territory. Of course, we have to find a way for you. Otherwise, what can we do?" Ning Mengyao's funny teasing.

Two women have their chat content, and Xiao Qifeng also found Qiao Tianchang: "Tianchang you go to be careful, snow mountain is very dangerous."

"We knew when we came. You should be careful yourself." Qiao Tianchang said with a smile.

"We won't have anything here." Xiao Qifeng didn't care about it very much. He frowned slightly and was very worried about their trip this time.

Qiao Tianchang nodded: "then I'll be relieved. We'll go back first. You can help us prepare some food."


The four chatted again for a while, and Ning Mengyao left. When he left, Ning Mengyao had worries on his face and obvious exploration.

"What is Tianchang thinking?" On the way back, Ning Mengyao frowned, worried.

"Nothing. Let's go back."

As soon as they got to the place where they lived, they heard the sound of fighting inside. They looked at each other, ran in quickly, watched people lying in front of them, and frowned tightly.

"Tianchang these people are really annoying." Ning Mengyao said disgustedly.

"If you don't say that much, we'll save people first."


When the two of them took action at the same time, their pressure suddenly reduced a lot. They were also very happy to see them back.

"Elder sister, you are back at last. These people came soon after you left. They came to ask for the trouble of the elder master and the little girl." Wen Yujing simply told them about it.

Ningmengyao thought he was from the Xiao family, but he didn't think it was because of the grandparents and grandchildren.

"Dead old man, I didn't expect you to be so lucky that you could find such a backer. I tell you that even if it is like this, it's natural to pay off your debts." The man who got up from the ground, pointing to the two people shouting.

Ningmengyao eyebrows slightly wrinkled up, the expression on his face is very ugly: "say, how much do they owe you?"

"Two thousand Liang."

Ningmengyao impatiently took out two silver tickets and threw them in front of them: "take the money and get out of here. If you let me know that you are going to trouble their grandfathers and grandsons again, I will make you go."

Those who came to ask for debts didn't seem to think that Ning Mengyao was so generous, so he helped them pay back the money.

"Yes, we won't bother them again."

"Get out of here." Ning Mengyao frowned and didn't like these people very much.

People on the ground stumbled away. Ning Mengyao watched them leave, and then turned to look at the old man: "are you ok?"

"We're fine, just girl, how can we repay your money?" The old man said gratefully, but he was more worried than grateful.

"You don't have to pay it back. We'll pay for our accommodation." Ning Mengyao said not to care.

Two thousand Liang may be a lot in their eyes, but it's nothing to her.

The old man shook his head and said, "this can't be done. We can't do such a thing."

They can't take advantage of the cost of accommodation.

The old man's honest appearance made ningmengyao wonder: "how can you owe them so much money?"

"Well, my son and daughter-in-law owed it when they were there. At that time, it wasn't much, but now over the years, more and more interest will be added."