Ningmengyao heard that it was so, immediately nodded: "it is so."

"What do you and she usually live on?" Asked Ning Mengyao, frowning.

"We'll have enough medicine to live after we sell it." Although their lives are a little tight, they can support themselves without the help of anyone, which is enough for them.

Ningmengyao nodded, "well, it's OK."

Wen Yujing looked at them and said nothing. He believed that her sister must have her reason for doing so.

"We are going to leave for a period of time. Please help us keep the house. We will stay here after we come back." Said Ning Mengyao.

The old man looked at them worried: "what are you going to do?"

"We have important things to do."

"Well, don't worry. I'll keep the room for you." The old man said happily.

After Ning Mengyao made it clear, he took the three brothers of Wen family back to the room and told them what they were going to do.

"Would you like to come with us?"

"Of course, this one is going. Elder sister, you can't leave us behind." Wen Yujing quickly said.

What's the point of staying here alone? They are not looking for treasures. He thinks it's more interesting to follow his sister.

"What do you mean?" Ning Mengyao looked at them and asked in a deep voice.

"Follow you." They have nothing to do now. It's better to follow them around.

What's more, they can learn a lot with Ning Mengyao and his wife, which they can't usually learn.

Ningmengyao reluctantly shook his head: "it seems that we have been entangled by you?" Ning Mengyao said jokingly.

"You didn't know that before, sister?" Wen Yujing laughs happily. It's really undeniable.

Ning Mengyao raised his hand and slapped Wen Yujing: "let's start tomorrow. Today, let's help the old man and his granddaughter deal with the trouble."

Although those people said that they would not bother again, who knows if it is true? They'd better take a walk.


After the five discussed, they went out. When they found the previous people, they had already taken the money back.

"Waste, how come you don't want more?"

"The eldest ones are very good. We can't fight them." Said the man with the silver note, trembling.

"Idiot, we still have the IOU in our hands. How can we say it? It's not a one sentence thing? How can I have your stupid people? " Finally, a big fat sheep came. They didn't know how to kill it.

Wen Yujing swallows his saliva and subconsciously turns to look at Ning Mengyao. My elder sister guesses exactly.

"What are you doing watching me like this?" Asked Ning Mengyao, squinting.

"Sister, your intuition is accurate." If they don't come today, I'm afraid that after they leave, these people will go to the old man's trouble.

"Who is it?" They didn't keep their voices down, and people inside knew it was a matter of course.

Five people went in. The people who had been beaten saw that they were coming. It was like a cat seeing a mouse. They quickly hid behind.

"We just heard that you want to kill us? We have a lot of money here, but I don't know if you have the life to take it. " Ningmengyao takes out a pile of silver tickets and looks at the person opposite with a smile.

At the sight of Ning Mengyao, she took out so many silver notes. The man called the eldest brother had straight eyes.

"Twenty thousand Liang, we will not go to their trouble." Said the man hurriedly.

Wen Yujing can't help but cover his face. This man is really stupid. Can't he see that his elder sister is angry? He even made such a stupid move, and paid 20000 Liang. He really suspected that they might not even get the previous 2000 Liang later.

You should know that elder sister is a businessman, and is also a very qualified businessman. How can she do such a thing that she can suffer losses? These people don't need to be skinned. They want to get benefits from their sister?