Qiao Tianchang takes Ning Mengyao and Wen's brother to find a safe place where they can see the opposite situation clearly. Several people are now there to see the play.

The wolf king in the distance suddenly looked at them, and then, as if to confirm whether they were hostile, turned around for a long time to continue to watch the fight in the field.

Ning Mengyao looked at the wolf king's eyes and said, "I like this wolf king."

"Sister, why do you like something so different?" Wen Yujing whispered.

"Don't you think wolf Wang Fei is beautiful and very handsome?" Ning Mengyao said excitedly.

"That's right, but it's not a big dog. It's a wolf, or a wolf king." Wen Yujing said helplessly.

Ningmengyao looks at and hears Yujing strangely: "you don't think I like snow wolf king, junior, I'm going to take it back as my own?"

"Sister, you ask your brother-in-law that you look at wolf king like someone who has been hungry for many days. Suddenly you see a large piece of meat and want to swallow it." Wen Yujing takes a look at Ning Mengyao, and then says without words.

Ning Mengyao blinks, turns his head to look at Qiao Tianchang on the edge. His eyes are all innocent: "Tianchang, do I have this?"

Joe Tianchang nodded: "well. You look like sugar when you see precious herbs or rare poisons. "

Tangtang and ningmengyao had always wanted to, but now they are really carved in a mold.

"Although I really want to take the wolf king as my own, it's just a pity." Wolf king doesn't mean she wants it, so she'll go with her.

Wen Yujing took a look at Ning Mengyao and said happily, "fortunately, elder sister has enough self-control, otherwise we will be the next one."

Looking at the unlucky appearance of those people in the Xiao family, Yu Jing felt that he had goose bumps. Surrounded by so many wolves, he even wanted to get the wolf cubs in his hand.

Ningmengyao looks at wenyujing and can't bear to knock him on the head.

"What are you doing to me, sister?" Isn't he telling the truth? Why do you want to be beaten?

"What do you say? Compare me to someone like that, will it reduce my style Ning Mengyao snorted coldly.

From what they looked like, this was what the girl had done, and the wolf cub looked like he was dying.

If they don 't let go of the wolf cub, something will happen to the wolf king.

"Tianchang that wolf cub is going to die." Ning Mengyao said with a frown.

She likes fluffy animals very much. That wolf cub looks like it was born just a short time ago. It's fluffy and so cute.

Qiao Tianchang looks at Ning Mengyao helplessly, reaches out and pinches her cheek.

"Do whatever you want." Qiao Tianchang said with a smile, his eyes full of connivance.

Ning Mengyao smiled happily: "Tianchang, you are the best." Said in Joe Tianchang's face kissed.

Looking at Ning Mengyao leaving, hearing Yu Jing's stupidity, he asked, "what is my brother-in-law and sister going to do?"

"She's going to save the wolf cub. She likes fluffy animals very much." Let her watch a little thing so fluffy die in front of her, she really can't do it.

"Will brother Qiao attract wolves to attack?" Wen Yumin said with a frown.

"It's OK. Yao Yao seldom has requirements in this respect. It's nothing to be capricious once in a while." Qiao Tianchang looks at Ning Mengyao's back and says with a smile.

As long as she doesn't put her life at risk, he will let go of whatever she wants to do.

"Big brother, second brother, I really think you should learn from your brother-in-law." Wen Yujing laughs.

At the same time, Wen Yumin and his wife looked at Wen Yujing and said, "little three, do you seem to have any opinions on us?"

"No problem. I just think you should learn from your brother-in-law. How good do you think he is to his sister? It's not like you macho. " Wen Yujing snorted and said with great dissatisfaction.

“……” Wen Yumin and his wife have nothing to say. Compared with Qiao Tianchang, they seem to have a good introspection.