Qiao Tianchang looks at the three brothers funny. It's really fun. But in order not to let their brother get revenge from his two brothers, Qiao Tianchang says with a smile, "everyone has their own way of getting along. Yao Yao Yao and I are like this, which doesn't mean you should do the same. Just do what you want and don't care about me. ”

Wen Yumin smiled and shook his head: "no, we think Xiaosan is right. Compared with you, we think that what we do to our wife is really nothing."

They always thought that they were very good to their wife, but compared with Joe Tianchang, they were still a lot worse, and there was no way to compare them.

Qiao Tianchang took a look at them and suddenly said, "husband and wife don't care about the so-called face. If they care about the so-called face when they get along with their wives, can they live a good life?"

Wen Yumin and his brothers thought it was the same thing.

"Brother Joe, you are right. We are wrong." Wen Yumin seriously said that they two brothers really should have a good reflection.

Qiao Tianchang smiled and didn't speak. Some things can only be said at this point. If you talk too much, it's not good.

Ningmengyao step by step went to those people in the Xiao family. When they were alert, ningmengyao had come to the woman holding the wolf cub. Before the people reflected, she had snatched the wolf cub in her arms.

"Who are you? Give me back the wolf cub. " The girl of Xiao family saw the wolf cub in her arms, so she was robbed, and her face was very ugly.

It took them so much time to get the wolf cub, the king of snow wolf, who was robbed like this. Where in the world is such a good thing?

Ning Mengyao looked at the woman who kept shouting and said impatiently, "shut up for me."

The girl of the Xiao family looked at Ning Mengyao in a daze. When she heard her words, she closed her mouth obediently. After the woman reacted, she realized what she had done. Her face suddenly turned ugly.

"You give me back my wolf cub." The woman reaches out to rob the wolf in Ning Mengyao's hand, but Ning Mengyao escapes.

Eyebrows slightly wrinkled, Ning Mengyao reached out to point the woman's cave, and then looked down at the wolf cub in his hand.

Looking at the wolf cub's dying look, Ning Mengyao's eyebrows tightly wrinkled, and her expression was very ugly: "do you want to die? That's how the wolf cubs look. "

Ning Mengyao can think about what happened to the wolf cub. All of these people will die here. Even if they can't die, they will be half disabled.

The people of the Xiao family changed their faces and looked at the wolf cubs like that. They seemed to understand why the wolf king was pestering them like this.

Ning Mengyao took a look at them and ignored the expression of these people. Instead, she took out a medicine bottle, filled it with a pill, and fed it to the wolf cub.

When the people of the Xiao family saw the pill in Ning Mengyao's hand, their face suddenly changed. They were very clear about what the pill was. This woman actually gave the pill directly to a wolf cub like this. It's really incomparable to human beings.

The woman in Xiao's family looked at Ning Mengyao with a twitch at the corner of her mouth. She gave such a good medicine to a wolf cub who was going to die. She immediately thought that this man was really a loser.

"Do you know what that is?" The woman couldn't help but ask.

"My things don't come to you to tell me what it is." Ning Mengyao looked at the woman coldly and said coldly.

The people of the Xiao family are speechless. They know what it is? But she even took it out for such a beast? If she really has no place to put it, it's good to give it to them. As for such waste?

Fortunately, Ning Mengyao doesn't know what they are thinking. If they do, they will surely say, what does it have to do with you if I waste my own things?

"Brother in law, I think my sister has done something enviable and hateful again."