"It seems that you are a treasure at home, junior?" Ning Mengyao said jokingly.

Wen Yujing shrugged: "it's not."

"What is that?"

"The canary." Wen Yujing said: "elder sister, you don't know that my eldest brother and second brother can often go out, but I can't go anywhere with my two sisters in law, that is, when the eldest brother and second brother say they want to take us to play, my mother and grandmother will be unhappy, and then say a lot of words, so that we can get rid of the idea of going out." Think of this smell Yujing feel special heart plug.

He thought that if it wasn't for the sake of the family's industry that the two brothers went out, they would be locked at home by their grandma.

"No?" Ning Mengyao looks at Wen Yujing in consternation. Isn't it so exaggerated?

"Why not? As long as my eldest brother and second brother don't go out because of family affairs, they will be scolded for a long time after coming back. Otherwise, why do you think I want to sneak out? " Wen Yujing muttered discontentedly.

He's twenty years old. He doesn't like it because he treats him like a child.

Why stay at home all the time if you don't walk around? After he went back this time, after his elder sister cured his father's body, he had to play with his elder sister. Even if he couldn't go anywhere, he would play in his elder brother-in-law's general's office. It must be much better than at home.

Wen Yumin and his brothers looked at each other: "what Xiao San said is true, my mother and grandma..." Thinking about them makes him feel very headache.

Wen Yujing looked at the two brothers: "after my father's illness is cured, I will go to my brother-in-law and play with them, so I won't stay at home."

"Whatever, but are you sure you can come out after you go back?" Wen Yumin raised his eyebrows and asked.

"I can run once, I can run twice." Wen Yujing didn't care.

Ningmengyao looked at them doubtfully and asked, "I'm really curious about one thing. Why do your mother and grandma do this?"

"Who knows, I still quarrel with them for this matter, but they just don't let me go out. If I play in our house, they all want people to follow me, and there are still four or five. I don't have that idea to go out at all." Who is willing to go out, followed by a large number of people, not prisoners, he is out to play, not out to make trouble.

Joe Tianchang shook his head: "no wonder you will be cultivated like this, but it's very good that you haven't become a dandy."

"Brother in law, should I thank you for your praise?" Wen Yujing said without words.

"Not this one." Joe Tianchang shakes his head. Thank you or whatever.

"Where is brother-in-law?" Wen Yujing looked around. Why did he talk to his elder sister for a while? They seem to have changed places?

Qiao Tianchang took a look at the weather outside: "where do you rest tonight, or do you want to walk in the Blizzard?"

"Of course not." Wen Yujing quickly said.

"Then Qiao Tianchang didn't speak up.

Wen Yujing smiled, walked into the cave and looked around, wondering, "how did you find such a place, brother-in-law?"

Qiao Tianchang looked at the small cave and said casually, "if you want to find it, you can find it."

“……” Wen Yujing is speechless. What does it mean to find it if you want to?

Ningmengyao went to one side and sat down: "is Tianchang coming soon?"

Qiao Tianchang nodded, "yes, it's coming."

"No wonder there are caves in this place." Ning Mengyao nodded clearly.

"It was dug by hand, but it should not take long for them to leave. The soil is still fresh." Qiao Tianchang looked around and said.

Ning Mengyao looked around and nodded, "you are right."

"Brother in law, I suddenly found out that you really know everything. Is there anything you don't understand with your sister?" Wen Yujing looked at Qiao Tianchang and asked earnestly.

"We don't know a lot of things. It's just because we didn't understand anything when we were young, and we can't go to today, so it's fair to pay what we want."