Qiao Tianchang nodded to express his approval for Ning Mengyao. The world is very fair. They have to pay for what they want. It's impossible to get something like this without any effort. Even if they get it, the final result may be self destruction.

Wen Yujing sighed heavily and said helplessly, "if only I had met my sister and brother-in-law earlier."

Wen Yuxin's eyelids fluttered and looked at Wen Yujing's mouth and twitched: "what do you mean, junior?"

"If I had met my sister earlier, I would have been super good now." Wen Yujing said naturally.

“……” Wen Yuxin suddenly doesn't want to talk to his brother. Is this guy hating them?

Ning Mengyao looked at the two brothers and couldn't help laughing: "your feelings are very good."

"Elder sister, my relationship with him is not good. He always bullies me." Wen Yujing frowned discontentedly.

Wen Yuxin squints at Wen Yujing and says, "little three, you seem to have a problem with me?"

"If you don't bully me all the time, I'll have no problem with you." Wen Yujing nodded seriously.

Qiao Tianchang looked at the two people who quarreled like this, and couldn't help shaking his head: "well, don't quarrel. It's better to have a good rest and save your physical strength if you have this time."

"I listen to my brother-in-law." Wen Yujing went to one side and sat down, regardless of whether the place was clean or not.

"Why don't I know when you're so obedient, junior?" Wen Yuxin looks at Wen Yujing, who is sitting quietly.

If this is seen by those in the family, they will surely feel that this is not me, right?

"Since I met my sister and brother-in-law." Wen Yujing said naturally.

"Big brother, have you seen it? When Xiaosan has his sister and brother-in-law, our real brother will be thrown aside. " Wen Yuxin looked at the side of Wen Yumin and sighed.

Wen Yumin took a look at Wen Yujing and said, "it's very good for Xiao San."

Before the little three some lawless, now someone can control him so well, and he has a feeling, little three with the ningmengyao couple's side, will grow up.

Wen Yuxin murmured something in a low voice, and finally looked at Wen Yujing on the edge with dissatisfaction: "little three, you have no conscience. I and big brother used to be so kind to you."

Wen Yujing looked at Wen Yuxin and said with contempt, "second brother, you said this too falsely. I don't believe it. You hurt me very much when you were young. Yes, but when I grow up, you always bully me. You still cheat me to wear skirts. Don't think I forget it."

As long as he thought of the women's clothes he had been cheated by Yu Xin when he was a child, he would like to knead people to death.

Wen Yuxin was stunned, then he couldn't help laughing: "I didn't expect that you still remember?"

Ning Mengyao looked at them like that, and asked curiously, "do you want Xiaosan to wear a skirt?"

"Yes, when he was 35 or 6 years old, he was very cute. Then I coaxed him to wear a skirt. Sister in law, you don't know. Since then, my mother always wanted to let Xiao San wear a skirt, but it hasn't been successful. Since then, Xiao San's character has become a little quirky." Thinking of the helpless shaking head of Wen Yuxin, how lovely his younger brother was when he was little, how could it become like this now?

Wen Yujing's face was blue and blue, and he looked at Wen Yuxin with gnashing teeth: "second brother, do you still say? Can you believe me to go back and tell sister-in-law about the last time you flirted with another woman? "

As soon as he mentioned this, his face suddenly collapsed: "little three, you are really not cute."

"Well? What's the matter? " Didn't Wen Yujing say that his two brothers and sisters in law had good feelings? How can it be like this now? It's really strange.

Wen Yumin looked at the two people shaking their heads helplessly: "in fact, this is a misunderstanding, but was seen by the junior, and then he always used this to threaten the junior."

"If it's a misunderstanding, why is little two so anxious?"

Hearing Yu Xin's heavy sigh, he was very depressed and said, "sister-in-law misunderstood me, but I can't stand this guy to add fuel and vinegar."