Wen Yujing had a good smile on his face because of their words: "that's what I'll do in the future, isn't it? I don't want to eat Yi Rong Dan. Do you agree? "

"Yes, that's good." Ning Mengyao said without thinking.

Hearing what they said, Wen Yumin's eyes were helpless, but they took a close look at Wen Yujing. His appearance is really very good-looking.

"That's all for you, junior. It's really nice." Wen Yuxin felt his chin, looked up and down at Wen Yujing, then said with a smile.

"Even if you say it's not good-looking, I'm going to do the same. My sister and brother-in-law say it's good-looking." Wen Yujing naturally said, just said, let Wen Yuxin feel very sad.

"Junior, have you ever thought about my feelings with elder brother when you said this?" Hearing that Yu Xin wanted to cry without tears.

Wen Yujing blinked, and then rightfully said, "No."

"Big brother, I want to kill this kid. Don't stop me." Wen Yuxin said with gnashing teeth.

"Well, you go."

“……” Wen Yuxin turned to look at Wen Yumin and said, "elder brother, why can't you stop me?"

"What am I doing to stop you from beating yourself?" Wen Yumin said coolly.

Their junior is a master now. Want to move him? Didn't you wake up?

"Are you here to help us find something or to play?" Ning Mengyao looked at them with black lines on her face and said.

"All of them."

"Come on, let's go. The Xiao family will catch up later. You've thrown Xiao Ling into the snow. It's strange that they don't revenge." Ning Mengyao looks at them and shakes her head helplessly.

"Smell Yu Jing Ao Jiao of hum a:" she tries to see

It's just that he hasn't had a good fight with people for a long time. If they really want to get in trouble, he is welcome.

"It seems that Xiao San's hands are itchy." Ning Mengyao said with a funny look at Wen Yujing.

Wen Yujing touched his nose: "that's right."

"When will you fight me or your brother-in-law?" Ning Mengyao wants to talk.

"Are you sure I'll fight you and not be tortured to death?" Wen Yujing looks at Ning Mengyao with a very frightened look.

Ning Mengyao thought about it seriously and said, "maybe not."

"Probably not?" Wen Yujing's mouth slightly twitches, which may be abused to death by them?

Qiao Tianchang reached out and took ningmengyao, put her hand in his palm and covered it: "if you don't want to fight with us, there are many people who have good martial arts. You can find someone by yourself."

Yufeng and their martial arts are very good. If someone duels with them, they must agree.

Wen Yujing immediately became interested and said with bright eyes, "OK."

Five people talk, while walking forward, knowing that the snow is really too big, several people walk quietly.

"A lot of footprints, elder sister, do you think they are Xiao's?" Wen Yujing asked, looking at the footprints on the snow.

Qiao Tianchang took a look: "there are not only footprints of people, but also footprints of wolves."

"Brother Qiao, do you mean that those people of the Xiao family are against the wolf? But these steps don't look messy. " Wen Yuxin looked around and frowned.

Qiao Tianchang looked around the same. One picture was taken on the snow. When the snow was opened by Qiao Tianchang, they were shocked by Wen Yuxin. Because under the cover of blood, the snow below was stained with blood, which was very amazing.

Joe Tianchang squatted down to feel the coagulated blood: "they should have been away for a long time, and I'm curious about what they killed the wolf and took the body away for."

Ningmengyao goes to Qiao Tianchang's side and looks around him: "Tianchang, do you think there is anything wrong with it?"

"Yao Yao, what do you mean by something wrong?" Qiao Tianchang asked with a frown.

Ningmengyao pointed to a place in front of her, frowning.

It's a strange place in the snow capped mountains.

Qiao Tianchang followed the place that Ning Mengyao pointed to and looked at the past: "how can this be?"