"Brother Qiao, what are you talking about with your sister-in-law?" Wen Yumin looked around and found nothing.

"You didn't see it?" Ning Mengyao pointed to the mountain not far away and asked strangely.

"No." Wen Yumin shook his head, and even Wen Yuxin and Wen Yujing looked at them with strange eyes.

Ningmengyao and Qiao Tianchang look at each other with surprise in their eyes. What's the matter? Did they see it?

They just saw a large area of blood red, as if it was dyed red by blood.

"Yao Yao seems that we need to visit that place. Maybe when we get there, we will know what's going on." Joe Tianchang squinted.

"Junior, we should go up as fast as we can. We should be careful and protect ourselves." Ning Mengyao looked at the three people around him and said seriously.

Wen Yujing nodded, and the two beside smiled: "although our brother's martial arts are not as good as yours, they are not bad."

"OK, let's go now."

Qiao Tianchang and Ning Mengyao took the lead in speeding towards the place they saw.

The three brothers of Wen Yujing followed closely. It took them almost an hour to get there. When they got there, their hearts were cold.

There are a lot of snow wolf bodies piled up in that place, some of them have even been skinned, but the wolf cub that she saved before has died, not far away, the blood wolf king's body is full of injuries, the blood has dyed its silver hair red, even the dark green eyes are also a little red, it has been protecting the wolf cub's body, there is also a little red There are snow wolves that are always bigger than ordinary snow wolves.

"How can they do that?" Ningmengyao's heart is cold, and her whole body is shaking with anger.

"Are you OK, sister?"

"I'm ok. Anyway, we must save the wolf king and the rest of the snow wolf. If we let them continue to do this, the snow wolf family will be killed by them." Snow wolf is probably the most precious group of wolves. But now look here. I'm afraid there are hundreds of dead snow wolves. No matter how large a group is, it can't stand such a massacre.

"Good." Wen Yujing nods. As long as it's something his sister wants to do, he will do it for her.

"Do it." Qiao Tianchang has no superfluous words. With a soft sword and a blink of an eye, people have arrived in the crowd.

Wen Yujing followed, while Ning Mengyao went to the side of the wolf king and took out two pills, one of which was put into the wolf king's mouth, and the other was crushed and put on his wound.

The Xiao family looked at several people who suddenly appeared. The leader squinted at them: "who are you? Why are you obstructing my Xiao family? "

Ningmengyao didn't pay attention to him, but squatted on the ground and looked at the wolf king: "let your people leave here, they are all injured, continue to stay, only to die."

The king of blood wolf stared at Ning Mengyao with his blood colored eyes, howled for a while, then the remaining twenty snow wolves retreated one after another, and then left, but when they left, they kept turning their heads, at the same time, they looked at the people of the Xiao family with their fierce eyes.

He reached out and patted wolf king's head: "take a rest, you are seriously injured."

Wolf king shook his head and tried to get his hands off his head.

Ning Mengyao takes a funny look at the wolf king and takes his hand back.

Stand up and walk in front of the family: "did you hurt it like this? And who killed that wolf? "

"I killed you. What can you do?" A long, obscene man on the edge came out before the leader came to stop him.

Ningmengyao nodded, with a smile on the corner of her mouth. Hearing that Yujing happened to see ningmengyao's expression, she almost didn't faint. Her sister must be upset.

Just thinking about it, the figure of Ning Mengyao disappeared, and they could only see the shadow of the fast speed.

When they saw the man, she had come behind the man and put her hand on the man's neck. As long as she tried hard, he would die.