People of the Xiao family didn't expect to meet the legend here.

"In that case, we will not be polite." Xiao Ziyun said coldly.

"Oh? You're welcome. I'd like to see how you're not. " Ningmengyao's mouth is slightly hooked. He looks at Xiao Ziyun, and his eyes turn cold at the same time.

Qiao Tianchang and Wen Yujing don't know when they have come to ningmengyao's side. Wen Yujing's fingers are twining his long silver hair: "what a big shelf the Xiao family has."


"Big brother, do you think so?" Wen Yujing looked at Wen Yumin and said with a smile.

Ning Mengyao looks at Wen Yujing unexpectedly: "do you have a feud with the Xiao family?"

"I didn't, my father did." Wen Yujing said with a smile, but the smile did not reach the bottom of his eyes.

Ningmengyao is speechless, isn't it the same? Even split him with his father?

"What do you know, junior?" Wen Yumin frowned at his younger brother. There must be a reason why he said this. He didn't know what it was.

Wen Yujing took a look at Xiao Ziyun and smiled coldly: "the care of the Xiao family for my father is remembered by the three brothers."

"What's the matter with junior three?" Wen Yumin came to Wen Yujing's side, reached for his shoulder and asked seriously.

Wen Yujing's mouth slightly hooked: "what's the matter? You and I are very clear about the martial arts of big brother dad. Will he be easy to recruit? And the business of our family. I came to us at the Xiao family. After we refused, my father had an accident. What do you think of this, elder brother? "

Wen Yumin, they are not stupid. What Wen Yujing said is very clear: "you mean that the reason why father became like that was made by the Xiao family?"

"That's right."

"You're the family sniffer?" Xiao Ziyun looked at the three for a while, then asked with a frown.

"Congratulations, but there are no prizes."

"What do the Xiao family want from you?" Asked Ning Mengyao in doubt.


"Borrower?" Ningmengyao has doubts in her eyes.

Wen Yujing nodded: "we all know the ambitions of the Xiao family. We have a martial arts school and an escort agency. They want to fight against Xiao country, but they don't have enough people. So they start to make other ideas. Our family is just one of them, and there are not many people like ours."

What does this mean? It means that many people will die. The battlefield is no higher than the Jianghu. You can do whatever you want. And the most important thing is that there are rules in the Jianghu, and the court has its own rules.

No matter what the status and status of the Xiao family are, there are three words. They are Jianghu people.

A person in the Jianghu wants to involve the whole people in the Jianghu. This has broken the rules in the Jianghu and broken the balance. Some people are dissatisfied and some agree with it, but the dissatisfied people have been dealt with a lot by the Xiao family.

"How do you know so much, junior?" Wen Yumin looked at Wen Yujing and frowned.

"Big brother, do you think I'm stupid? Many things can be seen by the beholder, but you may not see what I see. " Wen Yujing smiled and shook his head.

Ning Mengyao looks at her brother who is a living treasure in her eyes by accident: "little three didn't expect you to see so clearly."

"Elder sister, people in the Jianghu don't have so many rules. Aren't you afraid?"

"What am I afraid of? Afraid they will come to hell? " Who is better than her brother-in-law? And now the stone pine is blue, the simple and honest appearance on the surface has not changed at all, and the core has become a black stuffed bun, and the means of the Yin man is not much better than that of the Yu Feng.

Xiao Ziyun didn't expect to hear Yu Jing's words about them.

"Ah..." When Xiao Ziyun was about to start, the man who had been broken by Ning Mengyao just now screamed loudly. Everyone looked at him and took a breath of air-conditioning. The man can't be called a man now.