Wen Yujing looked at the half of his body, and his mouth twitched slightly. As expected, the Revenge of animals was no worse than that of human beings.

Even when he saw the wolf king's eyes, he felt a little creepy.

"How do you hate that man, sister?" Wen Yujing stood beside Ning Mengyao and asked in a low voice.

"The wolf is a very vengeful animal. Unless they are not allowed to find opportunities for revenge, they will definitely get revenge back, just like now." Ning Mengyao looks at the blood wolf king and says lightly.

She didn't think it was wrong for snow wolf king to do this. Instead, she thought it was all the people of the Xiao family who asked for it. If they didn't find their own death, how could they fall to this point?

And she believed that these people should not let the remaining snow wolves find opportunities, or the snow wolves will definitely give revenge back.

"Yao Yao is right. The wolf is a kind of animal that pays attention to feelings. Now the wolf king's friends and children have been killed by them, and the people have also been skinned. It's impossible for the wolf king not to retaliate back." Qiao Tianchang saw the blood wolf king one eye, the light opening says.

Wen Yujing looked at the snow wolf king and said seriously, "well, I don't think I can provoke them later."

"You're so scared?"

"It's not to be afraid, but to be remembered by the wolves. It's not a good thing." Wen Yujing didn't say well.

"You are quite right about that." Ning Mengyao nodded.

With their relaxed thinking of you, the Xiao family is a little creepy. After all, now they have completely offended the wolves. It's the snow wolf that offends them. It's a fatal blow to them.

"Ning Mengyao, you did it on purpose." Xiao Ziyun frowned and said.

Ning Mengyao looks at Xiao Ziyun unexpectedly: "which eye did you see us deliberately? Even if we do it on purpose, so what? We are happy. "


A big man behind Xiao Ziyun suddenly makes a move.

Before Ning Mengyao and his wife started to fight, they heard that Yu Jing had stopped in front of them: "dare to move my sister and brother-in-law, do you want to die?"

Xiao Ziyun looks at the master around him and fights with this man. However, he is so downcast and his face is slightly cool. How could this happen? How could this man be so powerful?

Ning Mengyao looked at Xiao Ziyun with a smile: "don't think we can't help you if there are many people."


"Well? what is wrong with me? Well, don't let people live Ning Mengyao looks at Yu Jing and says with a smile.

"Don't worry, sister."

Wen Yujing's move is to recruit the dead hand. Although the other side is the same, he didn't hear about Yu Jing's internal power grab, and finally he was defeated by Wen Yujing.

Looking down at the man lying on the ground with astonishment on his face, he heard Yu Jing hum: "what are you looking at? Believe it or not, I want your life? "

"Okay, junior, don't be so violent." Ningmengyao looked down on Yujing and pretended not to be happy.

Wen Yujing snorted and went to Ning Mengyao's side: "I listen to my sister."

Wen Yumin and Wen Yuxin sighed heavily again. They knew that Wen Yujing listened to Ning Mengyao very much, but did they want to listen to him to this extent?

And from childhood, when did they see this brother so obedient? It's just too hard, isn't it?

"Waiter, I can't envy you. I have a good character and can't help it." Ning Mengyao noticed the expression of the two brothers, and his eyes flashed a thick smile.

Hearing Yu Min's speechless look at Ning Mengyao, "does sister-in-law want to say that our character is not good?"

"Well, I didn't say that."

When Xiao Ziyun saw that they had ignored them like this, the expression on his face suddenly changed: "ningmengyao's here is a snow field, not your general's house, not your tongbaozhai, so it's better for you to restrain a little."

The voice that implied a warning made ningmengyao laugh and cry: "eh? It turns out that the young master of the Xiao family also knows? It's a dangerous snowy area. "