Of course, Ning Mengyao knows this truth, but she still hopes that wolf king can be good and not hurt, but it seems to be unfair to him.

"Well, don't say that now. Let's go first." Qiao Tianchang reached out and led Ning Mengyao to a higher place.

If they hadn't been in snow mountain for a long time, they would not have been able to adapt.

"The altitude here is getting higher and higher. If we go up again, I'm afraid there will be lack of oxygen." Ning Mengyao looked at the high mountains and frowned.

"I'm afraid that place is still up there. If we don't go there, we may not find anything." Qiao Tianchang said with a frown.

Ningmengyao is tightening her lips. Of course, she knows that, but if she wants to go up, they may suffer.

"Yao Yao, what are you thinking?"

"I was wondering if we'd like to go up." Ning Mengyao said with a frown.

"Elder sister, that must be going up. We have all come to this place. Can we not go? It's not going to work. " Wen Yujing retorted immediately.

It doesn't matter if he feels uncomfortable, but if he gives up because of this, he won't be reconciled.

Ning Mengyao looks at Wen Yujing with a twitch at the corner of his mouth: "I didn't say I couldn't go."

"But I don't think you'd like to go." Wen Yujing said solemnly.

Reaching out and rubbing his eyebrows, Ning Mengyao said with a twitch: "come on, let's go, but if we can't stand it, let's come down again."

Although those things are useful to them, they are not necessary. If they lose their lives for those things, this is not what they want.

Wen Yujing nodded: "this is OK."

However, they did not walk long before they found the place they were looking for.

It's not that they spend time looking for it, but that the doors have been opened. It seems that it's very simple for them to go in.

Ningmengyao looked at the broken arrow around her, and her eyes flickered slightly: "it seems that we are late."

"Isn't that right? We are being explored. " Wen Yujing joked.

"Come on, let's go in and see what's in this place." Qiao Tianchang said in a deep voice.

Five people walked in together. There were many traces of the destruction of the mechanism along the way. Not only that, there were also some dead people in the secret way, who were already bone white.

Wen Yumin looked around: "it seems that there are many people in this place." It's just that they left their lives in this place.

Ningmengyao nodded: "you are right. There are many people in this place, and it seems that they have met something frightening."

Qiao Tianchang also nodded: "Yao Yao is right. These people's death seems to be scared to death by living."

Wen Yujing immediately felt strange: "brother in law, what did they see? It's strange that I should be scared to death. "

Ningmengyao nodded: "it's really strange that there should be nothing frightening in this place."

But the bodies they saw were all like this, scared to death.

Brow tightly wrinkled up, looking at the open channel, brow slightly wrinkled up.

"Now or not?" Ning Mengyao looks at the four people beside him and asks.

The eyes of the three brothers at the same time put on Qiao Tianchang's body: "brother Qiao, what do you say?"

"Let's go. Since we have all come, we should go in and have a look. What's the matter?" Qiao Tianchang looked at the front and said.

"Then let's go." Seeing that Qiao Tianchang was interested in this place, Ning Mengyao said with a frown.

Five people and one wolf walked towards the inside slowly. Qiao Tianchang's body was always tight. So was Ning Mengyao. The two people could feel each other's injured hands still sleeping.

"Tianchang, do you feel it?" Ning Mengyao looks at Qiao Tianchang and asks.

"Well, someone has gone in, and it seems to be fighting in public. It's very loud." Qiao Tianchang listened carefully, then said with a frown.

He could be sure that the voice was not coming from very close to them.