Wen Yuxin took a look at the front, with doubts in his eyes: "brother Qiao, do you mean that those people of the Xiao family have reached the deepest place?"

Joe Tianchang nodded: "you're right. They really have reached the deepest place, but I'm thinking that there are so many dead people along the way, so it can be seen that the dangerous degree of the passage, but how did they get there?"

"In public, every other place in this passage will have a person of Xiao's family died here. Tianchang, do you think it has something to do with it?" Ning Mengyao takes a look.

Since they came in, they've seen no more than five people die.

There are so many dead people just a little distance away. What about the front? How many more people will die?

"No, sister, where are so many people from the Xiao family?" If that's the case, there can't be so many people dying in the Xiao family, right?

Ning Mengyao and Qiao Tianchang look at each other with surprise in their eyes: "Tianchang I may know why the Xiao family exposed this news."

"Well, they're trying to attract more people." Joe Tianchang thanks a little and thinks about the meaning of the Xiao family.

Wen Yujing looks at Qiao Tianchang and her husband: "elder sister, brother-in-law, you don't want to say that the reason why they do that is because someone is doing it for them?"

"Well, otherwise many things can't be explained, and these dead people are just like ordinary people." Ning Mengyao said with a frown.

If they are really powerful people, they should not die here.

The expression of these people will be like this, maybe it's because they were suddenly pushed out by the Xiao family to be the ghost of death.

"Elder sister, how many people did you say Xiao family killed this time?" Wen Yujing swallowed his mouth and said.

Ning Mengyao shook his head: "I don't know how many people they killed. It depends on how many people are willing to be used by them."

"People die for money, birds die for food. It's an eternal truth. No one cares nothing about amazing wealth. It's natural that they die." Wen Yumin looked at the man at his feet and said softly.

To Wen Yumin's point of view, Ning Mengyao actually agreed with him very much, but for those people of the Xiao family, she saw it for the first time.

"Let's go, then we will know if it's the same as we think." Ning Mengyao looked at the front and said thoughtfully.

"Let's go."

With brother Wenjia, Qiao Tianchang and them walked quickly to the front. The wolf king on the side had been very quiet. If they didn't know that he was on the side, they would think there was no wolf king.

The mechanism was destroyed by the people of the Xiao family. It's convenient for them to walk.

Ning Mengyao looks at the man on the edge and frowns slightly: "I'm careful."

"Are you worried, sister?"

"Well, I'm worried, and I'm worried."

Qiao Tianchang listens to the conversation between the two people, with a little cold light shining in his eyes. Those people in the Xiao family, it's better to stop.

Listening to the sound from afar, you can hear what they are doing.

"Brother in law, why do I think you are terrible?" Wen Yujing suddenly looks at Qiao Tianchang and shrinks his neck.


"Of course, brother-in-law, did you find anything?" Wen Yujing thought over the words and asked seriously.

Qiao Tianchang's mouth slightly hooked up: "nothing, just thinking about what I would do if the Xiao family did something that made me unhappy."

“……” Wen Yujing gave Qiao Tianchang a speechless look and didn't believe what he said. If Qiao Tianchang meant that, he wrote his name in reverse.

"Well, you don't want to. Someone is running out in front of you, and they are in a hurry. It seems that they are running for their lives." Ning Mengyao listened to the voice and frowned.

Wen Yujing is surprised to see Ning Mengyao: "escape? Is it difficult that the Xiao family wants to kill people and kill people? They want to escape? "

"Not without it." Wen Yumin said with a frown.

"No, the Xiao family is still as crazy as ever."