Hearing Yu Jing's words, Ning Mengyao couldn't help laughing: "you can make a living person into a living dead person. Where do you expect them to go normally?"

"Elder sister, I find you are right." Wen Yujing couldn't help but laugh. That kind of thing needs a little beating.

When Ning Mengyao wondered if he would meet those people, he met those who fled, which made Ning Mengyao feel very surprised.

Hearing that sound, she thought it was still far away, but unexpectedly it was so close.

Frown slightly, looking at those who left in a hurry.

The man's body is all bloodstained. It seems that he was seriously injured.

When the people behind saw that there were still people running to this place, they suddenly felt that they were not going to die at all.

"You'd better leave here. The Xiao family has gone mad. As long as the people are in, they won't stay."

"Yes, it was said before Mingming, but they even repented."

Those who escaped, you said in a word, I said, and the meaning of the words is to persuade Ning Mengyao and them to leave.

"What happened in it? Why do you run out in such a hurry? " Ning Mengyao asked with a frown.

"You don't know, there are many monsters in the Xiao family."

"Monsters?" Ningmengyao frowned slightly, and then looked at Qiao Tianchang. Was it really the same as they thought.

"Yes, it's a monster. Some people don't have a whole face. What do some people say? It doesn't look like a person." This man can only say that.

They say this, let ningmengyao think of Qiao Tianchang's twin brother, Qiao Tianci. It seems that he was also made a ghost by the people of the Xiao family.

When Ning Mengyao thought about it, Qiao Tianchang had already started to describe it: "is that so?"

"Yes, that's right. How do you know? Those people are terrible, just like they don't know the pain. "

Joe Tianchang nodded thoughtfully: "so it is. We know. You can leave this place quickly."

"Then we'll go first, won't you?"

"Well, we have something to do."

Ningmengyao took a look at them, and then took some pills to the people in front of her: "here are some antidotes. Take one pill by yourself. I don't know if they will leave anything that shouldn't be left on you."

"Then thank you."

After one person ate an antidote pill, they left one after another. After all the others left, Ning Mengyao looked at the front and said in a deep voice: "Tianchang seems that there are many puppets of the Xiao family and faceless people, and they are more powerful than those we met before."

"Well, let's go and leave as many people as we can. Don't let them leave this place." If you let these people out, it's not good for them.

Ningmengyao sighed, then nodded and agreed: "OK, then I'll listen to you."

"You can't forget us, brother-in-law." Wen Yujing suddenly said.

"Don't worry, no one will forget you, so you don't have to worry at all." Ning Mengyao looked at Wen Yujing and said solemnly.

Qiao Tianchang's face was smiling: "Yao Yao is right. If you are all gone, where are we going to find some thugs?"

Hearing Yu Xin's silence, he took a look at Qiao Tianchang and said with great contempt, "brother Qiao, you are just too fake. You still lack a thug?"

Is this man kidding them? What kind of thug is that?

The people around Mengyao are much more powerful than them. Do you need them to be thugs? It's totally useless, OK.

"Do you forget where we are now?" Ning Mengyao's feeble forehead said.

A few people on the edge look at ningmengyao at the same time, and ningmengyao is a little creepy when they look at her with this kind of eyes.

"What are you doing watching me like this?"