"I'm serious already." Joe Tianchang said very seriously.

Ning Mengyao doesn't take care of Qiao Tianchang. When the old man started, he started with Qiao Tianchang.

The strength of this man is very strong. She can't risk letting Joe Tianchang deal with him alone.

The old man looked at Ning Mengyao and joined in. The movement on his hand seemed to be stiff for a moment. Then he laughed hoarsely: "Ning Mengyao, you are so powerful."

"Too much."

"But why don't you belong to our family?" What if Ning Mengyao was a member of their Xiao family, not the royal family of the state of Xiao? As for her means, their Xiao family will completely change. It's a real pity that they are children of other families.

Ning Mengyao smiled and said, "I'm very glad that I'm not from the Xiao family."

She doesn't like such a place full of miasma. If the second eldest princess had known her descendants, she would have come to this point now. What would it look like? I don't know if I will jump out of the grave in anger?

The old man's eyes suddenly turned cold: "in this case, you have no need to survive."

For them, what can't be used for their own use, then all die.

"You can try it." There are many people who want her life, but unfortunately, no one succeeds. If this person succeeds, maybe many people will thank him.

The old man didn't continue to talk nonsense with Ning Mengyao. He started directly. The more he beat the old man, the more frightened he was. Especially when he dealt with two people, the old man's eyes were full of disbelief.

Shaking God, the old man was hurt by Joe Tianchang.

The old man wiped the blood on the corner of his mouth and looked at the two men with turbid eyes: "the world says that the master of tongbaozhai is unique, and now it seems true."

Especially when they were together with Qiao Tianchang, the strength of the two men was almost multiplied. Therefore, no one in this place was their opponent.

Ning Mengyao smiled: "thank you very much."

The old man looked at them and looked around. He found that their people were almost dead. If he stayed like this, either he or their family leader would probably die in the hands of ningmengyao and his wife.

Ningmengyao looks at this man's strange behavior, and her heart is puzzled. What does this man want to sit on? Why does she always think this man is strange?

When she was puzzled, the old man made a feint, and the man had retreated to the Xiao family leader's side, and then he took the Xiao family leader to leave. That speed made ningmengyao not react.

Ning Mengyao looks at Qiao Tianchang stupidly: "Tianchang people run away."

"Well, I know."

Ningmengyao still didn't react. She thought that this man would fight with them for a while at least. Who knows that he ran like this? It's so annoying.

"Tianchang, are we so terrible?" Ning Mengyao looks at Qiao Tianchang very plaintively and says wrongly.

Qiao Tianchang shook his head decisively: "it's his own problem, it has nothing to do with us."

"You're right."

Clean up and walk towards the two brothers, wenyujing and their three brothers, one by one, almost fell to the ground.

Elder sister (sister-in-law) even if he deceives himself, why do you deceive yourself here? You are a general. How can you do such a thing?

No matter how confused and depressed they are, the image of Qiao Tianchang's wife and slave has penetrated into their hearts and can't be changed.

Ning Mengyao can't help laughing at Qiao Tianchang: "Tianchang they laugh at you."

For such a look, Joe Tianchang has seen a lot. He really doesn't care.

"Laugh, I don't mind very much. Let's see what we're going to take away. We'll send back all the things we use here. You'll continue to see what else you need." They have found the most valuable things in this place, and they really don't think of anything else.

However, Ning Mengyao is very curious about the things the Xiao family likes.

Take all the precious things of the Xiao family and put them aside. Ning Mengyao holds her chin in one hand and looks at the things in front of her. How can these things look ordinary? Why do the people of the Xiao family want them?

Ning Mengyao opened the box, took out the things inside, and then turned white. This is actually the way to make mines.