"I'm so glad that they didn't open it." Ning Mengyao said in a deep voice.

"What do you mean by Yao Yao?"

"These things are the methods of making mines. If they find them and make them according to the above methods, it will be a mess in the world." Ning Mengyao said in a deep voice.

Qiao Tianchang also had some accidents. Unexpectedly, it was such a thing. The expression on his face suddenly changed: "Tianchang, let's burn this thing."


Qiao Tianchang took out the fire fold and opened it. He put it under the paper to light it.

When the paper was about to be ignited, a figure rushed towards them and grabbed the things in Ning Mengyao's hands.

Ning Mengyao saw this and smiled coldly: "do I look so bullied? So you all come to my trouble? "

"Little three."

"I know my brother-in-law." Wen Yujing nodded and started with Qiao Tianchang. The two men, Wen Yumin and Wen Yuxin, stopped those who wanted to cover at the same time.

Ning Mengyao pinches the neck of the other side and throws the person out directly.

Ning Mengyao looked at the people in front of her with a smile, and her eyes flashed a thick mockery: "want to be that yellow sparrow? And you're not afraid of being plucked at last. "

Wen Yujing is happy: "elder sister is done."

"Very well."

People thrown out by ningmengyao don't believe that they look at ningmengyao: "how do you know?"

"Well? How do you know? " Ningmengyao is suddenly confused. How can these people talk with their heads and tails?

"How do you know that we hide so well?" Asked the man on the ground, gnashing his teeth.

When Ning Mengyao heard this, he frowned and said, "although you are very well hidden, it's a pity that you exposed your breath when I was about to open the box."

Although it was only a moment, they were captured by Ning Mengyao, so there is now this scene.

"How could it be?" It's just a flash. Did they find out? How is this possible?

Ning Mengyao glanced at each other: "nothing is impossible. Don't look down on yourself too much, and don't look too high on yourself, or you will be hurt when you fall down."

Wen Yujing thought about it carefully, then nodded, "sister, you are right."

Qiao Tianchang didn't intend to kill these people, but after Ning Mengyao explained it to them, the man even wanted to deal with Ning Mengyao.

One foot on the opponent's hand and the other on his chest.

"I didn't want to be in trouble with you. I wanted to let you go, but you didn't know what to do. In that case, you should die." Speaking, people have lost all the breath.

Ningmengyao saw this scene, eyebrows slightly wrinkled, but soon stretched out.

After dealing with the people, several people in ningmengyao found them again. At last, ningmengyao found everything that was used to make mines. Not only that, but also found many finished mines.

Take a look around: "there are too many things that shouldn't exist in Tianchang, let's blow up this place."

"Sister blew us up, aren't we buried here?" Wen Yujing quickly said.

Ningmengyao's eyelids fluttered slightly: "I said how stupid you are to smell Yujing. I said that you were blown up by the hole, not here, you know?"

"Oh, I see. But these places are so strong. How do you want to blow them up?" Wen Yujing still doesn't understand.

Ning Mengyao put the black ball in his hand in front of him: "of course, it was fried with this thing."

Wen Yujing looks at the things in Ning Mengyao's hands and has an incredible feeling: "can such a small thing do?"

Ning Mengyao squints at Wen Yujing and says, "are you doubting me?"

"No." Wen Yujing shakes his head subconsciously.