After they went to have a rest, Qiao Tianchang told Yufeng what happened recently.

"After you sent back the letter, Lei An and I took people with us and killed some of their people. But this time we got on with Xiao Zitian. That kid was really good. Although we won in the end, we still paid some price.

"Well, that's normal." They are not friends now, they are enemies, and they are of course right now. If Xiao Zi doesn't do anything, they will be disappointed.

"Xiao Ziyun asked Xiao Ziyun to bring his cloud hunting horse to Xiao's house, which was rejected by Xiao Zixun, and he secretly dispersed his cloud hunting horse. No one knew where everyone was except Xiao Zixun, and we only knew the position of one third of them." Yu Feng suddenly thought of something, and said to them.

Ningmengyao nodded: "this is also a matter of course, hunting cloud riding in Xiao Ziyun's heart is like a brother, certainly will not take them as a shield."

"Yao Yao is right, so we don't have to worry about cloud hunting and riding." And even if the cloud hunters come, they won't worry. The soldiers in Qiao Tianchang's hands are not cowards.

After finishing the official business, Yufeng thought of one of the things they just said: "what are you going to do with Xiaosan's family

"Little three's father seems to be poisoned. I promised to take the green frost and tea to help." Said Ning Mengyao.

"I'm curious how you got to know each other. That kid seems to be very close to you." Said Yu Feng, frowning.

Ningmengyao told Yufeng about the event on the snow mountain, and Yufeng sneered after hearing it: "the Xiao family are really brave, but you can blow up that place."

"Well, it's really good. We don't have so much ambition. I hope we can calm down after the affairs of the Shaw family." Ning Mengyao said helplessly.

"Yes, but Yujing is good."

"Well, I've also raised my junior very well, so help me if you can. The child is also very hard, like a prisoner in a gorgeous cage. In fact, I don't understand why his family must keep him at home." This is not fair to Wen Yujing. Don't they know?

Wen Yujing is a man, not a puppet.

"Well, don't worry, I'll take care of him." Yu Feng said with a smile.

"I feel relieved when my brother-in-law talks."

The three of them spoke for a while, and Joe Tianchang and his wife went back to have a rest.

Not long after they left, they came here in the morning, and heard that Yujing had just arrived with them.

"Where's my sister and brother-in-law going?" When Wen Yujing came in, he didn't see ningmengyao and his wife. He asked immediately.

"They're going to have a rest. I'll ask someone to take you to have a rest."

"I'm not tired, brother-in-law. Tell me what's going on here." Wen Yujing sat beside Yufeng and said.

Yu Feng looks at the child who is half younger than him, and shakes his head helplessly: "I'll introduce you some people later. This is mu Chen. That's situ Xuan's wife. You can call their brother and sister-in-law. Xiaoyao and I are good friends with them. As for my wife and son, I'll introduce them to you later. Chen, Xuanxuan, this is Xiaoyao's brother Wen, who is recognized by Xiaoyao Yujing, xiaoyao'er, they all call him Xiaosan, and he will be our younger brother in the future. "

Muchen looks at Yufeng accidentally. He has never seen Yufeng treat a person like this except for ningmengyao.

"Hello, I'm Muchen."

"Hello, brother mu."

"You look very nice, junior." Situ Xuan looks at Yu Jing and wants to hear a flash of amazement.

Wen Yujing was stunned, then said sheepishly, "my sister and brother-in-law also said it was very beautiful. I used to eat Yirong pill."

"Why eat? You are our brother, we must do one thing, fair and aboveboard, you look so good, why hide it? " Said Yu Feng, squinting.

"Well, I see." Yufeng nodded. She was very happy. Her elder sister's family was as good as her.

Wen Yujing chatted with the three people and soon became familiar with them. At night, he saw others.