Feng Xiao looks at the people Ning Mengyao brought back this time. He can see that they are good.

"The third one is fengxiao. Next to him is Fenger, our son-in-law Qiao mofeng. Next to him is his wife's tea and tea. Tomorrow we will go to your home together. Fengxiao is the third one who hears Yujing, Fenger. You are uncle of tea and tea." Ning Mengyao introduced them.


Wen Yujing was very happy, thinking that he didn't have any good things, and then said, "I don't have any good things. I'll give you a gift when I go back."

"They like herbs." Ning Mengyao interposed.

"That's just right. I have many precious herbs. They were all left by my former master. I'm useless. I'll give them all to Fenger when I get back. But I have to ask where Yuanbao is. Don't sell them." Wen Yujing mumbles with discontent.

Ning Mengyao couldn't help laughing: "you can do it by yourself."

Wen Yumin and Wen Yuxin sat on the edge and watched Wen Yujing merge into Ning Mengyao's circle soon. They also found that these people who stamp and stamp their feet will tremble in this continent and actively get along with Xiao San. Not only that, they are very good to Xiao San, although they don't believe it, but in fact, they are very tolerant to Xiao San.

"Thank you, uncle." Joe mofeng thanked the tea.


When they were talking, suddenly there was a howl of wolves in the yard. Hearing the sound, their hands shook for a while. How did the wolf come to their house?

"Sister, lightning is coming." Wen Yujing said.

Lightning is the name given by Yujing to snow wolf king. He is very domineering. When they are close to the crowd, lightning leaves. Originally, he was worried that lightning would not find them. Unexpectedly, they arrived in the daytime and lightning came in the evening.

"Lightning?" They looked at each other.

"Well, snow wolf king." Wen Yumin watched Wen Yujing go out with Qiao Tianchang and his wife, then explained to several people on the side.

When we know what's going on, Yufeng and them are all speechless. This girl not only brings back people, but also the wolf king of others. What are they going to do?

As soon as Wen Yujing saw the wolf king, he rushed over and rubbed his neck against his hair: "I want to die of lightning."

"Well, junior, you let go of the lightning so that it won't bite you later." Ningmengyao helplessly watched the second change of children's Wen Yujing.

"Lightning won't bite me. Lightning let's go."

Watching the three people come in with the big and powerful snow wolf king, I know it's one thing, and seeing it's another.

"Xiaoyao, you are really Before you said you wanted to see snow wolf king. Now you really have snow wolf king back, but you really have it. " Yu Feng said, crying and laughing.

"Well, isn't that good?"

"OK? I'm thinking that no one but you can keep it. Can't you take it everywhere Yu Feng shakes his head helplessly and says.

Ning Mengyao shrugged casually: "what's wrong with this?"

“……” Yufeng suddenly didn't know what to say: "you don't prepare some food for it?"

"Of course, prepare some fresh meat for the lightning." Although she wants to cook it for lightning, she can't eat it.

In a short time, the people below brought a large plate of fresh meat. When lightning smelt it, he began to eat it.

Ning Mengyao and his wife returned to the table: "tomorrow tea and maple will go with us, and there will be Qingshuang."

"I know, ma'am."

Qiao mofeng agreed. Naturally, tea and tea will not have a problem. She has just heard from Ning Mengyao. Since they are uncle's family, they naturally want to help.

Hearing Yu Jing's eyes lowered, he said after a while, "I'll go with you, sister."

He was going to let Wen Yumin and them go to his storehouse to give them tea and herbs. Just think about it, and go back by himself.

Wen Yumin looked at Wen Yujing and said, "if you don't want to go back, don't force yourself."

"I'm fine."