In the largest courtyard, they heard a blatant voice as soon as they went in: "say quickly, where is Yujing?"

"I don't know."

"Don't know? It seems to Wen Yu that you want to see your wife humiliated in front of you. I will ask you for the last time where Wen Yujing is. "

"My husband can't tell them. Even if I die, I can't tell them." A firm but weak voice then sounded. Listen to that voice, something must have happened.

When the three brothers heard the sound like the torn clothes inside, their faces suddenly changed. Yujing kicked open the door. The scene inside made his blood red eyes more red.

It's said that Yu Jing's father was trampled on his feet, and his feet were broken. There was still blood on the ground. Their mother was dragged by several men. Her clothes were messy and she could only avoid her body. The lady also had injuries and humiliation in her eyes.

"Sister, my brother-in-law asks your uncle and my parents." Wen Yujing looks at Ning Mengyao and his wife imploringly.

Judging from their voices just now, the purpose of these people is him, and his parents are only because he is so humiliated.

"Junior? Why are you back? Let's go. " When Mrs. Wen saw the three brothers, she was in a panic and asked them to leave.

"Let's go. We're here. Let's stay. We're still looking for you after Yujing. I didn't expect you to come here by yourself." The man laughed.

Wen Yujing turns to look at Ning Mengyao: "elder sister..."

Hearing Yu Jing's words, Qiao Tianchang and his wife have already joined hands at the same time.

Almost instantaneously, Wen Yu and his wife were saved by Qiao Tianchang and his wife: "tea and tea, please help them to have a look." Said Ning Mengyao to go to one side to find a dress to put on Mrs. Wen.

"Thank you."

"Niang, my uncle's mother is OK. She is scared and slightly injured. She will be ok if she takes good care of herself." Said the tea.

"That's good."

As for Wenyu's side, there are some difficulties: "my wife is not only poisoned, but also picked out the tendons."

"Can it be cured?" Ning Mengyao frowns. If something happens to Wen Yu, he may blame himself, right?

Qingshuang nodded: "no problem. The poisons can't be put on the table. As for the tendons, they can't be connected well, but they may not be as good as they used to be."

"Dad, why are you so stupid? Just tell them where I'm going and why do I have to hold on like this?" Wen Yujing said angrily.

If they didn't come back, his parents wouldn't have.

Yuanbao was shocked to see this scene. All they had done was to protect Wen Yujing. It was really his misunderstanding.

"Junior, we can't let you go wrong. You are our son." Wen Yuqiang pulled out a smile and said, "little three, you go to see your grandpa."


"I see."

Those who were ignored by them looked at Ning Mengyao and said angrily, "who are you?"

"It doesn't seem to matter. What are you looking for Ning Mengyao asked coldly.

"It's nothing to do with you. Do you think you can escape after you bring some people back? I tell you not to think about it. We will come back with what belongs to us. "

Wen Yujing frowned tightly. He didn't seem to know these people. Look what they asked and what he took from them?

"I don't know you."

"Ha ha, don't you know? That old man has given you all his things. Even if he died, he has passed on all his skills to you. How can you say that you don't know us? " Said the man, with a twisted expression.

Wen Yujing's face changed. "You are the one who betrayed the school for the sake of power?"

"Ha ha, what betrayal, we are just the Junjie who knows the current affairs. If he didn't hide you, and Wen's family did everything to help you hide and protect you, we can't find you until now. Wen Yujing, you'd better hand over that jade pendant, or I'll raze your Wen's family to the ground." Said the man, with a ferocious look.

Ningmengyao is not happy, very unhappy, what does this person mean? In front of them, threatening their junior?

"I'm not happy about Tianchang."