"Well, I'm not happy either." Qiao Tianchang nodded, and he didn't like people's arrogance in front of him.

Wen Yumin's three brothers were not happy either. They were made to look like this when they had a good home, and their parents were injured like this.

"Junior, I'll give these people to your three brothers. Don't let them run away." Ningmengyao's eyes narrowed slightly and said coldly, "if you lose to these people, I will make you have a very happy life after you go."

Wen's brothers are slightly stiff. Isn't it a very serious time? Why do you suddenly talk about it?

Of course, they knew that they were not joking, so the three of them threw all the people in the room at the same time, and then chased them out.

"Are they all right, junior?" Wen Yu asked anxiously, ignoring his own injuries.

"Don't worry, uncle. All three of them are very powerful. They will be OK. Let Qingshuang help you to detoxify first, and then treat your foot injury." Ning Mengyao looked at Wen Yu and said.

Wen Yu looked at Ning Mengyao stupidly: "can I be cured after my tendon is broken?"

"Yes, but it may be worse than before, but it's OK to walk." Qingshuang carefully helped Wenyu to check it, and then said.

Hearing this, Wen Yu was immediately excited. He thought that he would spend the rest of his life in a wheelchair. Unexpectedly, he could get better.

"Thank you, girl."

"You are welcome, uncle. The third brother is our husband and wife's brother. Naturally, we will help his family. Tianchang, let's go out and have a look. Qingshuang and Fenger will give you three here." Ning Mengyao looked at the three and said.

"Madam, don't worry, they don't have the technical content of the poison." Qingshuang frowns, this kind of thing can't even compare with the poison made of sugar.

Wen Yuxin had a chilly feeling. What kind of people did they meet when they went out this time.

With the help of tea and tea, Mrs. Wen had changed her clothes and came out. When she saw Ning Mengyao, she knelt down in front of her: "thank you, girl. Please take the three brothers away and let them not come back."

"Auntie, get up quickly. Isn't that killing me? Now they all know about their family. You let them go. They won't go. And you should trust them. They are much more powerful than you think. Besides, we can help them. We will have a big fight here and move to us at last. " Ning Mengyao said very single.

She didn't believe it. They all moved to Xiaoguo. What else did those people dare to do? If they didn't move, she could make those who died no longer die.

"But girl here..."

"You don't have to worry, aunt. He is more powerful than you think." Ningmengyao reached out to Wen's wife and helped him up: "as long as the lady is good for their brother, it is the biggest support."

I heard that the lady was slightly stiff, and nodded after a long time: "I know, girl is really bothering you."

"Don't be polite to me, aunt."

After Wen's wife was settled down, Ning Mengyao went out to Qiao Tianchang's side to watch the three men fight: "Tianchang, what do you think?"

"Not bad."

Ning Mengyao laughingly shook her head: "let's have a look."


Ning Mengyao frowned and thought, then said, "go and find out who is offended by Wen's family."

"It's miss."

Qiao Tianchang picked up his eyebrows and looked at Ning Mengyao: "is this ready to help?"

"Of course, if we solve the problem, can junior three rest assured?"

While they were talking, Yuanbao came out with an old man in his arms. The old man was also injured and skinny. He seemed to have been abused for a long time.