Two people look at each other, turn around and leave: "forget it, if there is predestination, they will meet again."

"Well, let's go."

After they left, a man came out of the corner. It was Wen Yujing. His face was very ugly, especially when he went back to the room and saw the things on the bed.

Looking at the letter in his hand, Yu Jing's eyes gradually turned cold until he finally wore a little red.

Throw away the things left by Yuanbao and sit in the room for a long time before going out.

When Yuanbao told Ning Mengyao they were leaving, he thought Yuanbao was just talking.

But looking at the letter beside, I couldn't help laughing at myself.

Forget it. He doesn't want to go on with this boring life? It's also very good. He has lived a life that he thinks is interesting, but why does he feel so sad?

After staying outside for a while, Wen Yujing calmed down his mood before going to Wen Yu's room.

"Where have you been, junior?" Ningmengyao saw Yujing coming in from the outside and asked in some doubts.

"I just went out for a walk." Wen Yujing said with a smile, the smile is the same as before, but how can they not see his strangeness because of the ferocity of their eyes?

After thinking about it, Ning Mengyao came to Wen Yujing and patted him on the shoulder: "do you know?"


"He may just have something to deal with, and he will come back." Learn to say it in a soothing voice.

However, when he heard that Yujing just smiled at ningmengyao, there was no other meaning. It just made ningmengyao more worried.

"Are you ok?"

"Elder sister, I'm ok, and he won't come back." Wen Yujing understood that since Yuanbao decided to leave, he would not come back.

Ning Mengyao looks at Wen Yujing, who can't help but have a headache. She doesn't know how to comfort him.

Seeing that ningmengyao was so worried about herself, Yujing could not help laughing: "elder sister, I'm really OK. It's just a matter of time before he leaves."

He had guessed it for a long time, but he ignored it deliberately.

"You already know?"

"Well, I don't know who Yuanbao is. He didn't say I didn't ask. He only knew that he was the one saved by Shifu. He came to protect me in order to repay Shifu. He should leave." After all, everyone has his own home. He is very good now. Naturally, he can't selfishly let Yuanbao keep by his side. It's unfair for Yuanbao, and he doesn't want to. Some people can't keep Yuanbao even if they want to.

Yuanbao is always helping him to let him go. Let Yuanbao go this time.

Yuanbao's departure was soon known by the people of Wenjia. Wenyumin said strangely, "how could you leave suddenly?"

"Maybe something is wrong." Wen Yujing said vaguely.

Seeing Yuanbao's departure, there was really no spirit of Wen Yujing. Ning Mengyao's eyebrows were tightly wrinkled.

"Are you sure you're OK, junior?"

"Who am I, sister? I'm Wen Yujing. How can I do something? " Wen Yujing said with a smile, but his appearance made Ning Mengyao more worried.

Although he said nothing, he was the only one who knew how upset Yu Jing was.

Yuanbao stayed with him for six years. No matter what happened to him, Yuanbao helped him.

When he was sick and didn't want his family to know, Yuanbao was taking care of him. When he was hurt and didn't want them to worry, Yuanbao was taking care of him.

He likes to eat delicious food. Yuanbao goes to find it for him. If he can't find it, he tries to find a way to make it for him. Although it's not delicious as his sister and brother-in-law do, he thinks it's the most delicious thing. Although he always tells Yuanbao in front of him how bad and how bad those things are.

Looking at Wen Yujing, whose expression is more and more abnormal, the worry between Ning Mengyao's eyebrows is more obvious: "junior three?"

"Well? I want to have a rest. "

"Go." Ningmengyao watched Yujing leave and couldn't help but have a headache: "Tianchang I think if Yuanbao doesn't come back, Xiaosan will have an accident."