After a sleep, Wen Yujing is like an innocent person, only occasionally looking out, which makes them feel relieved.

In order to let Wen Yujing have no time to think about Yuanbao's leaving, Ning Mengyao has also used his blood capital to make more efforts to investigate. Soon they have all known about Wen's family.

Wen Yujing looks at everything above. It turns out that it's the Bai family and the disciples of Shifu. Their purpose is for what Shifu left in his hand.

As for father's poison, it was made by the Third Master of the Xiao family. As for the reason, it's ridiculous.

It's because the Third Master of the Xiao family is interested in the woman and his father, so the Third Master of the Xiao family started directly.

He poisoned his father's life like death.

Smell Yujing low eyes, holding paper eyebrows slightly wrinkled, body breath let ningmengyao some uncomfortable.

"What do you want to do, junior?"

"Elder sister, I will destroy the white family." Wen Yujing looked at Ning Mengyao and said earnestly.

Ning Mengyao smiled and nodded, "OK."

Wen Yujing's heart was a little sour. Looking at Ning Mengyao, he pulled out a smile: "thank you, sister."

"Don't laugh if you don't want to, and don't say thank you to me. Be careful if I turn against you." Ning Mengyao said very dissatisfied.

"Thank you very much."

"I just gave them Wen Yumin's feet to see if they had any ideas. We can't do it, but I won't tell them anything.

Wen Yujing nodded and told them to go to the study together.

Knowing that it was Bai's family who started, Yumin's faces were also very ugly.

"Elder brother and elder sister and I went to the Bai family. You took advantage of the chaos and pocketed the industry of the Bai family." Once the Bai family has an accident, there will be many people sharing a piece of it. But this is what they took, and it's also theirs if they throw it away. Others are not qualified to get it.

"Well, don't worry, it's up to us." Wen Yuxin said directly.

He also knew that he was not in a good mood after hearing Yu Jing for two days. If this could make him relax a little, there would be nothing bad.

"Gone, junior." Ningmengyao said after seeing that they had discussed.

"Mom, I'll go with you." Joe murphyn came in from the outside and said.

"Let's go."

A line of four went to the White House, Ning Mengyao waved: "the White House is only allowed to enter and not to leave from now on."

"It's miss."

Qiao Mo Feng saw this, eyebrow slightly wrinkly up: "Niang these people I have seen many times, who are they?"

"Tongbaozhai people are specially trained to protect me. After all, they have different identities." Ning Mengyao said helplessly.

When Qiao mofeng nodded, he understood Ning Mengyao's meaning. After all, he knew that his mother used to run around.

"Let's go in." It's interesting that Ning Mengyao saw the guards of the Bai family who left in a panic and went to call people in. At the same time, he let them save some time, didn't he?

Bai He sat beside him, frowning slightly. She didn't like the eyes of these people very much.

"If dad is OK, I'll go back to my room first." Bai He said with a very decent smile.

These people don't know how long they have been at home. They always go to harm the servants and servant girls of the family, which makes her very blind. When she can't see it, she has to flatter these people according to her father's wishes, which makes her very unhappy.

Especially every time someone in this room would like to strip her naked, which makes her feel sick as long as she thinks about it.

"The master is not good. I heard that the third young master of the family came to the door with someone, and he said that he must not enter or leave." Said the porter hastily.

Before master Bai could speak, the people beside him said, "did you hear that Yujing came? It really doesn't take much time. "

"You have to be careful." The white master said uneasily.

"We know how to do it. You don't have to teach us."

Master Bai was choked by them. Bai He was dissatisfied and looked at the people beside him. Those people who ate her family and lived in her family still treat his father like this.