"This is my home. Don't be arrogant." Bai he frowned and said angrily.

"Is Miss Bai angry? But it's a pretty angry look. " Before that, he had been joking to Bai He's people, but what he said was so ambiguous.

Looking at his daughter like this, master Bai hurriedly reached out his hand to hold the man: "don't talk about it, daughter."


"Well, let's not talk about it. Let's go out and see what Yu Jing is doing." White master snorted coldly.

In his mind, hearing Yujing is a waste, even if he brings people here, so what? What else can they do? It's funny.

When they went out, Bai He saw Ning Mengyao's husband and wife, their body slightly cool.

"It's you?" The white lotus eye ground flashed the obvious fear.

Did these two people come back with Wen Yujing? This... How could this happen.

"Daughter, do you know them?"

"I don't know who they are, but I know they are very powerful, especially the man, whose breath is even afraid of wolves." The expression on Bai He's face when he thought of what happened at that time was very worried and scared.

The people beside heard Bai He's words and laughed sarcastically: "the wolves will be afraid? Do you think we're idiots? "

"Don't believe it." Bai He said with a snort.

Master Bai knows that his daughter will not lie, that is to say, this man is really powerful.

"I don't know what it's like for the wise nephew to come to the Bai family today?" White master said with a smile.

Wen Yujing looked at master Bai coldly: "make my family like that, hurt my parents, and my grandfather like that. What do you think I'm here for?"

"Is there any misunderstanding?" White master said with a dry smile.

"Misunderstanding? Uncle, let's see what these are. " Then he threw the evidence that Ning Mengyao gave him to master Bai.

After seeing it, the expression on Bai's face suddenly changed. He thought that he had no ability to smell Yu Jing, but he didn't expect that he was prepared.

Are these his own investigations or the people around her?

"It's arrogant to hear about Yu Jing. Your parents are like us. What can you do to me?" The man beside white master said coldly.

When Wen Yujing's eyes were cold, he started without saying a word, and his moves were all dead hands.

Ningmengyao frowned tightly, and looked at his reckless fighting, his face was very ugly.

"It seems to my mother that Yuanbao's departure has a great influence on my uncle." Said Jo mofeng, frowning.

Ningmengyao nodded slightly: "you are right. If your uncle doesn't let it out, I'm afraid he will get sick."

The three stood by and watched Wen Yujing's attack. When those people wanted to fight, Qiao mofeng stopped in front of the man.

"Your opponent is me."

"The boy who didn't grow up even wanted to get in trouble." The man laughed very arrogantly.

But before he had finished speaking, he was interrupted by Qiao mofeng, with his fist.

"Your hair is all grown, and you can't go anywhere." Said Jo mofeng, sarcastically.

"Boy, you want to die." The man's eyes were cold, said the angry voice.

Qiao Mo Feng just doesn't talk nonsense and starts directly. The more he fights, the more frightened he is. Is this still a half old child?

This child looks like 16 or 17. Where is his ability.

At this time, Yujing's opponent has been severely fallen to the ground for half a day.

Wen Yujing walked towards the man step by step, then took out his dagger and broke his opponent's hamstring.


"What do wolves howl about? When my father is treated like this by you, he is not taught like this. " Wen Yujing said impatiently.

Ning Mengyao looks at Wen Yujing without words. When is this boy going to do this?

Wen Yujing said that he would make these people like his father.

After picking out each other's hamstrings and tendons, Yu Jing was able to unload the other's chin cleanly: "I've heard that Shifu said that you are all eating things inside and outside, colluding with outsiders to plot against Shifu. Now I'll clean up the door for Shifu."