"You dare to hear Yu Jing." Those senior brothers of Wen Yujing have been stunned by the means of Wen Yujing. How could they have never thought that Wen Yujing said that he would start directly.

Wen Yujing stroked the blood on the dagger and laughed derisively: "do you think you are good enough to go somewhere? If you really have a good relationship with him, why don't you come here to protect him when I'm fighting him? What can be said? Are you shocked? A group of Desperado will be frightened? "

Ningmengyao looks at Wen Yujing helplessly. How does he feel that he has become a ghost animal?

"You don't want to make a difference here."

Wen Yujing laughed. He laughed cleanly and kindly: "is that right? Since your brother is deeply in love, how about the next thing Wen Yujing's voice was full of ridicule. No matter what it looked like, it was bad intention.

At this time, Ning Mengyao thought of what he wanted from Yujing and Qingshuang.

"What do you want to do?"

"What are you doing? I was going to poison him. Since you have such a good relationship with him, did you help him? How? Wen Yujing looked at the people in front of him and said with a smile.

On hearing that Wen Yujing said it was poison, the faces on the side were white: "Wen Yujing, you can't do this."

"Ha ha, no? Isn't that the brotherhood that you showed just now? Why is that now? " Wen Yujing seems to be very confused. He frowns and looks at these people in front of him.

The speaker is about to cry. What is brotherhood? How could they come together if it wasn't for the interests? Although the daily relationship is very good, it is not enough to help others to take poison.

"No way. I'm not a brother to him." The man screamed.

Wen Yujing raised a faint smile at the corner of his mouth, then looked down at the man who could not even speak on the limp ground: "do you hear me? He said you were not his brother. "

"Since pressure can't be given to people, you can eat it yourself." Wen Yujing crudely shoved the medicine into the other side's mouth.

Wen Yujing looked at the people on the ground in silence, and his brow suddenly wrinkled slightly.

The speed of the poison was very fast, and it soon broke out. Holding the blood on the face slowly, it finally turned into a beautiful flower. The white family father and son, and the people on the side were cool.

They have never seen this poison before. How could they have it in their hands? It's scary to think about.

Ningmengyao looked at the people on the ground and sighed heavily: "it's also some strange poison, but it's really pretty like this."

Qiao Tianchang also nodded. Now he is not satisfied with the means of Qingshuang and Nanyu.

What's more, they always make strange things.

Although they don't use these things, they still feel shivering.

When the flowers are in full bloom, they become more and more red until they are finally in full red. After that, they seem to hear the sound of breaking. Then people see that the flowers on the face are breaking like dishes and then breaking.

It's when the flowers are broken that people die.

From his ferocious expression, we can see what kind of pain he suffered before he died.

"Sister, all of a sudden, these things are very interesting." Wen Yujing suddenly said that.

However, it is such a sentence that makes Ning Mengyao on the edge almost not jump up. It's nothing.

Although he knows it's interesting, do you want to speak in such a serious and expectant tone?

"Wen Yujing You... You killed people. " Bai He looks at Wen Yujing stupidly. She didn't understand how this happened just now.

Where did the good man go before?

"Oh, yes, I killed people, but what does it have to do with your eldest lady?" Wen Yujing said sarcastically.

"Hear Yu Jing..."

"What happened to me? Don't run to me at this time to brush the sense of existence, or I don't know if I will do the same to you. I have a lot of poisons here. Do you want to try them? " Wen Yujing asked as if he was a pure teenager.