Wen Yu shook his head with a wry smile: "I know it's too much for me to do this in your eyes, but I'm also doing it for the sake of junior three."

What ningmengyao dislikes most is the excuse that he thinks the other side is good. Maybe Wenyu is really good at smelling Yujing. But when he does this, he does harm to wenyujing?

"Uncle, I know you must be for the sake of junior three, but have you ever thought about what he thought? You bear everything for him, but you don't tell him anything. He is now twenty years old and can take all the responsibilities. But you have raised him in the greenhouse. Do you think that's good for Xiaosan? " Ningmengyao knew that she was not polite to say such a thing.

But she thought that Wenyu had entered into a wrong area and thought that wenyujing was his son, so he had to be under his wing, but he never thought whether he could really protect wenyujing from the wind and rain forever.

"That's good for junior three." Wen Yu said in silence for a moment.

Ning Mengyao looked at Wen Yu and now he was still reluctant to say something, and frowned: "very good? This time, we are here at the right time. Have you ever thought that if we are not here in such a timely manner, if you and your aunt, and also heard about Grandpa and their accidents, how would you let the junior deal with himself? You tell him, at least let him have a psychological preparation, and preach bad words, uncle, when can you support for junior three? "

As soon as Wenyu's face changed, he didn't speak, but rather Mengyao had no intention of not saying. She looked at Wenyu and said seriously, "uncle's Junior is twenty years old, but what did you really let him do alone? No, he is just like a noble golden bird. You keep him in a gorgeous cage and eat the food you feed every day. But what if he doesn't have you? How do you want his noble golden bird to live? "

Wen Yu's hands tightly grasped the quilt in front of him, and his eyebrows were wrinkling. It seemed that he was thinking about Ning Mengyao's words.

"Dad, you may not know that sister-in-law is also a person with children. She and brother Qiao's three children are not around. They are eight or nine years old, and two are only six or seven years old. They all go out to study." Wen Yumin suddenly said.

Wen Yu looks up at Ning Mengyao and frowns slightly. Don't they want to have children?

"I have the heart to love my children, but what my uncle and children want is not to be kept in a pen in the name of love. They don't want us to arrange all their things. What they want is a sky for growing up alone and what they should go through. When can you help Xiao San to carry them? Can't you? If he can't, let him go. Only in this way can he take care of himself and make his life better. " Ningmengyao saw and heard that Yu didn't speak, and frowned tightly. She didn't know what it meant.

Wen Yu didn't speak all the time, just thinking of Ning Mengyao's words in silence. He is nearly fifty years old today, and half of his body has stepped into the coffin. What should he do if he dies?

"Maybe you're right. I'm really retiring Xiao San Guan too seriously. Not only do I manage him seriously, but I also deprive him of a lot of power. He doesn't like his family and wants to go out all the time. Maybe it's because our love for him is too heavy. If it wasn't for you, I would not realize that I did something wrong until the day I died." Wen Yu said with a wry smile.

Wen Yumin didn't speak. He just stayed quiet. He had been thinking about it since just now. Does the child really need to be in the palm of his hand?

But look at the three children of the sister-in-law, an adopted son. They are out of the control of their parents, but they are better off.

They have their own ideas, ideas, dreams, and they can't think of everything.

"So, uncle, what's the reason why you're protecting your junior like this?" Ningmengyao looked at Wenyu with a burning eyes and asked seriously.

“……” Wen Yumin and his son took a silent look at Ning Mengyao. Why did the serious scene suddenly become like this?

Isn't the topic shifted? Why do you turn around and come back.