"What are you doing watching me like this? Did I say something wrong? " Ningmengyao looks at the people in front of her, she seems to have said nothing wrong, right?

Wen Yu shook his head: "Mengyao and Tianchang are both excellent. I know that. But what I want to tell you is that the Xiao family has reached the point of insanity. We did that to protect Xiaosan these years. But you don't know how I came here these years. Tiantian is worried. As soon as xiao30000 goes out, what can I do if I meet those people." Wen Yu's eyes flashed clear bitterness.

His son can see it very well, but in the end he becomes a golden bird.

Ningmengyao is slightly surprised, but this place is not far from the Xiao family, is it? What do the Xiao family want to do? According to the gap between the Wen family and the Xiao family, the Xiao family will not stop. But now, Wen Yujing is still good.

"What the hell is going on?"

Wen Yu sighed and took out one thing. It was a copper coin, but an ordinary one.

"Uncle, what are you

"I don't know how this copper coin fell into Xiao San's hands. It's just that after he got this copper coin, it seems that all the bad things were sweeping around. At that time, the people of Xiao family came to the door and said that we should give Xiao San to them, and then we would think that we didn't have this son." Wen Yu thought of what happened at that time. His hand was shaking with copper money, and his eyes were still a little flustered and scared.

At that time, Wen Yujing was only seven years old. He was only a child, and he was a child from his wife's thirties. His family couldn't love him. How could they send him to you? He was still a abnormal place like the Xiao family.

At that time, although the affairs of the Xiao family had not been known by all people, they were in the same place. For the Xiao family, they knew more or less because they knew more, so he didn't agree with anything, because he was very clear that if he said that, the final result might be that their junior three was gone.

Ningmengyao still felt that he had a lot of doubts, especially when he heard about Yujing: "if uncle is like this, what does the Xiao family want to do seems very easy?"

"It's very easy, but they are afraid. They dare not offend Xiaosan's master, so they wait until his master died, and then they start to fight against Xiaosan. But at that time, Xiaosan's master found Yuanbao around him to protect him from the outside." Wen Yu tells the story of the past. His eyes are full of ruthlessness.

Those people in the Xiao family are just insane. The things they do make people feel cold.

Ningmengyao reached out to light her cheek and frowned slightly: "the Xiao family can do everything, but what kind of person do you think Yuanbao is, uncle?"

"Yuanbao? Yuanbao is a very mysterious person. I don't know who he is, but I know his identity is very mysterious. According to Yuanbao, he was saved by Xiaosan's master, so he agreed to protect Xiaosan. " Wen Yu shakes his head. He is really curious about Yuanbao.

Ningmengyao suddenly felt that he was very lucky to hear Yujing and was protected by such a great man.

"It's just that the junior is out looking for Yuanbao. Will it be ok?" Wen Yu asked, looking at Ning Mengyao worried.

"Don't worry, uncle, that he has my people around him. I'll know if I have anything to do."

"Then I'll rest assured."

Looking at the relaxed look of Wen Yu, Ning Mengyao shakes her head helplessly. This uncle is really at ease.

She can let Wen Yujing go out alone, of course, not only because of the protection of his people around him, more importantly, she found a more interesting thing.

"But uncle, I don't think it's very good of you to do so." Ning Mengyao said casually.


"If I were you, I would not hide Xiaosan. I would try my best to make him grow and grow again until no one could threaten his name." Ning Mengyao looked at Wen Yu one by one and said.

Different people deal with it in different ways.