Ningmengyao picked up her eyebrows and smiled: "you know it."

Joe Mo Feng helplessly looked at his mother: "mother you will scare people away like this."

Don't you see that people are a little broken? Isn't it more uncomfortable to say that?

"Where can a junior go?" Ningmengyao has decided to eat Yuanbao. What she said is that you have to agree or disagree.

"Although Niang is so right, but you should also consider the feelings of others, you say so really good?" Qiao Mofeng took a look at Yuanbao on the side, whispered,

Yuanbao sighed, and suddenly felt that it was not entirely good for Wen Yujing to know such a sister.

Although it was good for Wen Yujing, it was a great disaster for him.

"Well Yao Yao, Yuanbao, what are you going to do here?" He hasn't come back for several years. I'm afraid the position of the city Lord is in name, or those people dare not threaten him with such blatant threats.

"Nothing. I'm not interested in the position of the city Lord." Yuanbao said casually.

"Then what are you going to do?"

"I've found the right person. I'll soon hand over the position of city Lord." Yuanbao said after a moment of silence.

Qiao Tianchang nodded slightly, which was quite good, but Look at Yuanbao: "are you sure those people will give up?"

"What can they do? They just want to control more of their rights in their own hands. " Yuanbao chuckled coldly. Can he still not know the thoughts of those people?

I used to think I was bored when I was at home and had nothing to do. But now it seems that there was nothing wrong with the life at that time, at least it was very stable.

"You do it yourself. Let's go around." Ningmengyao didn't want to take care of these things. After all, they were all their own affairs, and they didn't care too much.

“……” Yuanbao feels that he has nothing to say in the face of ningmengyao.

"Yuanbao, what's your expression?"

"Nothing, but Jing may have to be careful." Although it doesn't have much to do with Wen Yujing, according to those people's ideas, I'm afraid they will throw everything on Wen Yujing and think it's his good thing to disturb them.

Ning Mengyao's expression suddenly changed: "give them two guts."

If these people really dare to fight against Wen Yujing, she doesn't mind letting them know why the flowers are so red.

"I'll take care of it."

As Yuanbao said, in recent days, he began to make drastic efforts to rectify the city's affairs. Those families with too long hands have been weakened a lot. Not only that, Yuanbao has also done a lot of good things for the people. Of course, when he did these things, he took the man he chose.

In five days, the truth here has come to an end. To this end, Ning Mengyao says that they have found the treasure, which is their family's.

"There are not too few people in our family with such ability." Ning Mengyao said with a smile on her face.

"You can be satisfied. Let's go when Jing is a little better." Yuanbao looked at them for a moment in silence and said.

Wen Yujing got up from the side and went to their side. His face was still very pale. Originally, Qiao mofeng wanted him to have a good rest. Who knew that this guy was going to get up.