"I'm fine. Let's go. I don't like it here." Besides, he still has something to do when he goes back. He doesn't want to eat such a loss.

Ning Mengyao glanced at Wen Yujing, but he didn't look like a person who was OK: "well, you don't have to be in a hurry to get revenge. You need to support your injury before you do it."

He's half dead. Who is he going to kill? I haven't done anything yet. Maybe I've been given a second. I'm really worried about this kid.

Wen Yujing frowned and looked at Ning Mengyao: "I'm not willing to be elder sister."

"Well, can I still let you be bullied for nothing? I'm going to make them go. " Ning Mengyao said in a deep voice.

"What did you do, sister?" Wen Yujing expressed great curiosity. After knowing Ning Mengyao and them, he heard Yuanbao say a lot about Tongbao room. His elder sister made several moves. Every time, there were corpses everywhere. I don't know what earth shaking things he did.

Ningmengyao looked at the excited look of Yujing and smiled: "in fact, it's nothing, it's just robbing them of business."

They didn't go to suppress the industries of the Xiao family, but they used another method to block them, and it has already worked. Some businesses of the Xiao family have been robbed by them.

After all, tongbaozhai is not accessible to anyone. Now they go to those people on their own initiative. How can they let go of such an opportunity?

If you can get the favor of tongbaozhai by discarding the Xiao family, it is also a very cost-effective thing.

Wen Yujing opens his mouth and looks at Ning Mengyao: "elder sister, they will hate you so much."

Ningmengyao reached out and happened to smell Yujing's head: "who am I for? Besides, if they can kill me for a moment, I don't know how many times I've died, and I can still wait until now? Don't be so naive, will you? "

Wen Yujing's eyelids beat for a while, looking at Wen Yujing in front of him in a very depressed way, he said discontentedly, "elder sister, are you hating me?"

Ning Mengyao nodded without any embarrassment: "yes, how do you know?"

"Che, I don't believe it. How did you come to this place?"

"We heard that the people of the Xiao family have been following you all the time. Besides, there are some things I have to deal with here, so I came here. Unexpectedly, something really happened." If it wasn't for that old thing of Xiao's family, he would have killed Xiao Youran long ago, but he didn't expect that old thing would protect Xiao Youran, which made him very unhappy.

When Wen Yujing heard that it was so, he just thought of little purple and they, and his mood was not so good.

"What happened to the junior?"

"My sister is my fault. I killed them." Wen Yujing said.

In recent days, Mengyao knew that wenyujing was not comfortable, but she hoped that wenyujing could figure it out, but she didn't expect that he would still get to the top of his mind.

"Well, junior, don't you think so much, they don't want you to know that? It's their responsibility to protect you, and then we will avenge them. "

"Good." This revenge must be avenged on him.

Yuanbao looked at Wen Yujing and said, "what you need to do now is to keep the injuries well. Before you do that, you should not say that there are some without them."

"Let's go. We don't want to stay here." Hearing Yu Jing's drooping eyes, he said lightly.