"Feng'er will check your uncle and see how he is. If it's OK, let's go. It's OK to walk slowly on the road." Ning Mengyao thought and said.

Qiao mofeng checked Yu Jing and said: "it's OK for mother to hurry. Be careful, it's OK. Fortunately, my uncle's injuries are basically internal injuries."

Maybe because the Xiao family wants to make a perfect Wen Yujing, they use internal power to hurt him, so there is no skin injury, which makes Qiao mofeng much more convenient.

"In that case, let's go tomorrow." Qiao Tianchang said with a wave of his hand.

Wen Yujing nodded, "well, I really don't want to stay here any longer."


They are going to leave. Yuanbao naturally wants to deal with his own affairs. Looking at the people in front of him, Yuanbao smiles, but the smile is so frightening.

"What do you mean, Lord?" Yuanbao doesn't speak, which doesn't mean they can't speak either. Some people are worried and say it directly.

"What do I mean? It's natural to leave this place in the hands of competent people. " Yuanbao said casually.

Sitting under Yuanbao's hand, his face suddenly turned ugly: "the city Lord means we have no ability?"

"You have the ability, yes, but it's all for the service of your family. What do you think I'm going to do for such a person?" Yuanbao's eyes are on them one by one.

In the years when he was absent, what did these people do? He was very clear. Did he not know what they thought they were doing? If it wasn't for the people around him to protect this place well, he didn't know what it would be when he came back.

"Don't insult us like this, the city Lord. We didn't do anything. We are innocent." Those people are very dissatisfied said.

Yuanbao clapped his hands and looked at them like that. He couldn't help laughing: "OK, what an innocent one."

"What do you want, Lord?"

"I want to ask you how are you? You all say it's innocent. Then you'll explain to me what's going on here. " Yuanbao didn't talk to them, and he threw all the evidence in his hands in front of them.

Those who keep saying that they are innocent, when they see these things, the whole person is not good, the face is also a little ugly, the heart does not understand how this person knows.

"Are you wondering how I know? What's this place? Just because I'm not in charge doesn't mean I really don't know anything. " Yuanbao seemed to appreciate their present appearance very much, and his mouth was slightly hooked. What he said made the people below look blue and white.

People no longer speak. Some people even regret coming here together. No wonder this man is going to fight against them today. So what happened?

"What? No more talking? "

"City Lord, we......"

"Don't talk to me for a while. I won't investigate some things, but don't cover up the whole thing. This place can't be changed until you say three principles and four principles. Do you understand?" Yuanbao said coldly.

The people laughed and some of them said, "is there any misunderstanding about the city Lord?"