"I don't think there's any misunderstanding. I've brought back all the things you covet. I won't care about it with you, but you can do it yourself." Yuanbao is very clear that he can't do such a thing too well. He can keep a line for everything. I'd like to see him in the future. If they are really hurt, the city Lord behind may be in great trouble, and it's still very big.

Therefore, these things he did will make them feel hurt, but they are hard to say. Not only that, but also thank him.

"Thank you, Lord." All these things they have done are enough to make them suffer more, but now Yuanbao has let them make some money. It's nothing. It's just a big deal.

"The new city Lord will take office tomorrow. I hope you will take good care of him every day."

"It's natural."

"You are welcome, Lord." Everyone, as soon as you speak my words, you will ease the tense atmosphere. Of course, some of them have very ugly expressions.

Of course, that person is the one who wanted to be Yuanbao's father-in-law before.

"Other people are leaving. Do you flatter like this?" Said the man with great disdain.

"How do you speak? What are you doing here if you don't flatter? "

"Don't tell me. People have lost more things than we do. Now I'm in a bad mood and come to our trouble."

Yuanbao glanced at each other and said nothing more. He just looked at the person beside him and said, "this is how it's going. Go back, all of you."

"Yes, since that's the case, we'll go first."

After all the people left, the people who satirized them before stayed. He looked at Yuanbao fiercely: "Yan Xi is cruel to you. We'll see."

Yuanbao looked at the man who was still talking hard to himself at this time, and his mouth was sarcastically hooked up: "I don't mind doing something else when I'm going to leave."


"Don't go too far without really taking care of your family."

Finally, all the people left. Yuanbao took a look at their back and turned away from talking.

"I said that's how you left this mess to me?"

Looking at the person in front of him, Yuanbao smiled a little more, reached out and patted him on the shoulder: "I look after you."

“……” Good? Look at your sister. It's just looking for death.

This guy has been running for several years to repay his kindness. How many days has he come back? When the former master came, he wanted to run? It's like looking for a fight.

"Get out of here, I say you're so willing to be a bodyguard? Your ability has been compromised. "

"It's very good. I like it very much. It's not very tired, it's not very troublesome. And I'm used to such idle days. Now you let me go back here to do these things. I don't think I can do it at all." Yuanbao is really tired in this period of time. He feels that his bones are lazy.

"I shouldn't have looked at this place for you." Said the man across from Yuanbao with a black face.

Yuanbao said ha ha ha, "well, it's too late for you to regret now, so you can stay here. Don't think about other places. You can't leave even if you think about them."

"I'm in a hole now?"

"Well, you don't have to say it."