"Who knows? At the beginning, I was wondering if it was because the talent of the junior was better, but I found that there are many people with good talent of the Xiao family, so I really don't understand why the Xiao family is so persistent to the junior. " Ning Mengyao frowned and said that during the time when she was at Wen's house, she had also investigated some of these things and had not got any more valuable results. She only knew that Xiao's family was because of Wen Yujing's talent.

"Maybe there is something in the junior that makes the people of the Xiao family think they have to get?" Qiao Tianchang on the edge said with a frown.

If you want to get a person, it doesn't have to be because of talent, it can be something else.

Ning Mengyao was stunned, and then suddenly realized: "Tianchang maybe you are right, maybe it's because there's some talent in junior, but we didn't find it after so long time, this..."

Qiao Tianchang reached out and touched Ning Mengyao's head: "how can we know these things? Take your time, sooner or later. "

"Forget it. Since junior three doesn't want to tell us about it, forget it. I won't ask about it. It's also Junior's privacy." Ning Mengyao thought and said.

Everyone has their own privacy, and she can't do whatever she wants with her own identity, although after she asks, Wen Yujing will definitely tell her.

Yu Feng looks at Ning Mengyao and shakes his head funny: "many people in Xiaoyao will be very happy once they are recognized by you." It is the same whether they or Wen Yujing. "

"Brother in law, how are you? You are good to me, and I will be good to you naturally. As for junior, he really regards me as his elder sister, and I will be good to him naturally." Ning Mengyao said naturally.

Yufeng smiled and didn't have much, but his heart was warm.

In fact, they did not give ningmengyao much, but ningmengyao gave them a lot.

They just let ningmengyao get the feeling that they should have, and ningmengyao gave them a lot, many of them don't know how to return it.

"It's hard to resist your personality, Xiaoyao." Yu Feng looks at Ning Mengyao and whispers.

Ning Mengyao is talking to Qiao Tianchang, but what he said is not clear: "brother in law, what did you say just now?"

"Nothing. You just came back to have a rest." Yu Feng shakes his head and has no intention of saying it again.

Ningmengyao discontented to see Yu Feng one eye, knew perfunctory her.

"Let's go to have a rest, Yao Yao." Qiao Tianchang looks at Yufeng, turns around and looks at Ning Mengyao, who is beside him, and says with a smile.

Ningmengyao left with Qiao Tianchang. Looking at the back of the two people, Yufeng chuckled. Sure enough, ningmengyao was very smart in many times, but sometimes, ningmengyao was really confused, which made people really want to bully her.

Just because there is Qiao Tianchang on the edge, they dare not act rashly, and Xiaoyao is not easy to bully now.

Looking at the people on the edge, Ning Mengyao frowned and said, "was Tianchang's brother-in-law talking about something just now?"

"So curious?" Qiao Tianchang asked with a raised eyebrow.

Ningmengyao was silent for a while, then nodded and shook her head: "it's not curiosity, but I want to know what my brother-in-law is talking about."