Qiao Tianchang looks at Ning Mengyao. He can understand the meaning of Yufeng.

They gave Ning Mengyao endless love, which was brother and sister's love, which was what Ning Mengyao wanted most, but Ning Mengyao gave them all, rights, status and many more.

Ningmengyao is such a person. If she is good to her, she will return it 100 times. If she is not good to her, she will not do too much, just because she thinks it is unnecessary or wants to give her a chance to change.

However, Qiao Tianchang sometimes thinks that ningmengyao is a little silly like this, but it's more time to identify with her. She only needs this look. For others, he and Yufeng are there.

"Tianchang?" Ningmengyao reaches out her hand and shakes it in front of Qiao Tianchang, with obvious doubts in her eyes. What's wrong with this man? It's strange all of a sudden.

"Well? What's the matter? "

"I asked you what happened. What happened to you just now? Why don't you talk all of a sudden? " Ning Mengyao asked curiously with a wink.

Joe Tianchang shook his head: "it's OK. I think of something. What's wrong?"

"No, let's go."

They went back to the room and had a good rest. They came out the next day. Hearing that Yu Jing could not help laughing when he saw Ning Mengyao's people: "elder sister, you are better here."

"Do you mean that your family is not good?" Ning Mengyao asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Well, no, not at all." Wen Yujing nodded. He thought the family was too depressed. He didn't like it at all.

Ningmengyao has no choice but to talk about it casually. Does the child want to be so serious?

"Elder sister, I'm not talking to you casually. I'm very serious about it." Wen Yujing looked at Ning Mengyao discontentedly and said.

Ningmengyao can't reach out to cover her forehead. She has a headache and says, "little three, we know that you like here, but don't belittle your own home like this, do you?"

"I don't belittle it. I just think you are very relaxed here. Although you are in the border city, you will feel a happy feeling no matter outside or here. This is what my family doesn't have." Wen Yujing frowned and shook his head.

Ningmengyao sighed and shook her head helplessly: "well, if you like it here, you can play around."

"Of course, elder sister, I have already thought about it. I will take Yuanbao to play around, and then let Yuanbao help you, OK?" Wen Yujing's eyes brightened and he looked at Ning Mengyao.

Although Ning Mengyao wanted to say no, she finally agreed: "OK, you can do it by yourself. I don't care about you."

"Ha ha, I know that elder sister is the best, but I want to visit your workshop." Wen Yujing said shyly.

Ning Mengyao glanced at him and said, "are you still embarrassed? What a surprise. "

Wen Yujing laughed: "of course I'm sorry, sister, do you agree?"

Ningmengyao nodded, "agree, I'll let Qingxuan take you there. It's very interesting now."

"I've been curious for a long time, but I didn't have time to see it last time." Wen Yujing made no secret of his salivation for ningmengyao's workshop.

Helpless shook his head, the child is really reluctant to blame half ah.

"Well, go if you want, no one will stop you." Ning Mengyao said not very angry.

"Sister, you are the best."