Qiao moshang takes people to the side of the white clothes, beside them are those who have been put down by sugar medicine. Looking at them, Qiao moshang smiles.

"Uncle in white, willing to lose."

"You boys are cheating." Anger in white, he understands now. They first targeted him.

It's just to stop him from doubting. At the beginning, Doudou puzzled his eyes. Although at last he came back, it's enough time for them to let the rest of them down. Now, he's so weak that he doesn't need to know what's going on.

Jomo Shang put his finger down in front of him and shook it gently. His mouth was slightly hooked up: "Uncle white, you are not right. What is cheating? It's just wisdom, you know? Besides, you didn't say you can't use it without help? Who is to blame for the loss? "

The white clothes almost spit blood because of Qiao moshang's words. Where is this broken child from? It's so difficult to give birth.

"Uncle white can't afford to lose, can he? If so, we don't care. " Qiao Mo Shang said helplessly on his face. It's almost like he didn't say that. White is a villain who doesn't talk. But it's just like he said that it's something that ten evils don't do.

"How could it be?"

"Impossible? That's the best. " Jomo Shang was immediately satisfied, but the whole person in white was not good.

If up to now he doesn't know that Jomo Shang is revenge for this year's time, it's really idiots and idiots.

The final result is that the people in white are trained by Qiao moshang. However, Qiao moshang's method of reorganizing them is too powerful.

The white clothes have not appeared in front of them for several days.

Qiao moshang and his wife wrote a letter to tell ningmengyao and his wife about their great achievements when they sent something back.

Ning Mengyao looks at the letter sent by Qiao moshang. The whole person is a little silly. What's the point? This brother in white was put by a little monkey? Just why she did not like white clothes, but also some schadenfreude smile.

"Tianchang our little monkey is wonderful."

"I don't know whose son it is, but it's too stupid in white to do such a stupid thing." Joe Tianchang said very disgusted.

Ning Mengyao looked at Qiao Tianchang contemptuously: "you will be happy if you are happy, and proud if you are satisfied. No one will laugh at you. As for how to belittle brother in white?"

Can she not know this person? Now he is still here to say these grand words. He doesn't feel ashamed. She doesn't feel embarrassed, OK?

Qiao Tianchang looks at Ning Mengyao and holds her face. He is very dissatisfied and asks, "do you dislike me?"

Ningmengyao claps Qiao Tianchang's hand open, and nods very seriously: "how do you know that I am hating you?"

Qiao Tianchang's eyes narrowed slightly, and the eyes became very dangerous, which made Ning Mengyao very alert.

"You What do you want to do? "

Qiao Tianchang looked at Ning Mengyao with a smile on his face: "Yaoyao, I think we should have a good talk."

When did this girl even begin to dislike him? How could this be? Don't let this little girl know how angry she is. How big is her measurement?