Ning Mengyao looks at Qiao Tianchang as if he doesn't understand why things suddenly become like this. It's not like this just now.

"Wait a minute, Tianchang. You should calm down." Ning Mengyao quickly said.

Looking at the struggling Ning Mengyao Qiao Tianchang in her arms, she said: "my daughter-in-law is beginning to dislike me. I think I can't calm down."

“……” Ningmengyao would like to slap herself. What's her nonsense? He would have said such a stupid thing. In fact, he just said it casually, which means nothing else.

Qiao Tianchang took people back to the room and didn't go out for several days.

Yu Feng sees Qiao Tianchang alone, and his mouth slightly twitches. He is speechless and asks, "how did Xiao Yao'er provoke you?"

Although there has been such a thing before, it has never been like this. Is this the rhythm of Xiaoyao's corpse?

Qiao Tianchang picked up his eyebrows and looked at Yufeng. "Do you want to know?"

Yufeng saw Qiao Tianchang's evil appearance, and finally decided not to worry about their husband and wife.

"I don't want to know."

Joe gave a cold Snort and wanted to see their jokes? I'm not afraid I don't have this life?

Although there is no specific answer for Qiao Tianchang, Yufeng also knows. This time, Ning Mengyao really offended Qiao Tianchang, otherwise, Qiao Tianchang would not use such a method to clean up people.

Ning Mengyao wants to cry and straighten her body on the bed without tears. Doesn't she just say something casually? And then brain pumping and at some time said Qiao Tianchang an old man, and then it became like this.

Up to now, Ning Mengyao hasn't figured out why things have become qualified. It's clear that she just didn't mean to lose. He did so ruthlessly. It's really pissed her off.

When Qiao Tianchang came into the room with Ning Mengyao's favorite meal, he saw Ning Mengyao holding the quilt, and his eyes were very angry. It seemed that he kneaded the quilt as if it were him.

"Yao Yao come to eat, are you hungry?" Qiao Tianchang sat down beside the bed, and his eyes fell to some place.

Ningmengyao thought that when she sat up, the quilt on her shoulder had already slipped off. However, ningmengyao had not found it yet.

At the moment, there was a faint trace of blue and purple on her shoulder.

"Leave it alone, you beast." Ning Mengyao said angrily.

She didn't understand why they both had the same strength. In the end, she was the one who straightened the body, and Qiao Tianchang was the one who didn't have anything.

Qiao Tianchang looked at Ning Mengyao with a smile: "if you are sure to talk to me like this, I don't mind at all, but what will happen in the end, I don't know." Qiao Tianchang stares at Ning Mengyao's chest.

Following Qiao Tianchang's line of sight, looking down, Ning Mengyao's face was black: "are you a dog?"

"Don't you know what I am?" Qiao Tianchang looks at Ning Mengyao vaguely, which makes him want to dig a hole to bury himself.

"It's all your fault that you shut up for me. You wait. When Yufeng's brother-in-law sees me, he doesn't know how to laugh at me." Ning Mengyao said angrily.

Qiao Tianchang sat next to Ning Mengyao and hugged him in his arms. He couldn't help laughing: "what did he laugh at you for? It's not that he hasn't done such a thing. Everyone knows it. "