Ningmengyao almost spits out blood. What do you know? Can this man be more shameless?

"Of course." Qiao Tianchang said a sentence without a clue, but Ning Mengyao was completely disordered. This man is cold in front of others, but when he comes to her, it's like a draught. He almost doesn't melt her directly.

"Stop making noise, eat something and have a good rest." It's enough, Qiao Tianchang doesn't hurt Ning Mengyao. Instead, he hands some dishes that are a little cold on the edge to Ning Mengyao.

Ning Mengyao took it and ate it, talking to Qiao Tianchang while eating.

"Tianchang, did you say Xiao Zitian really considered the consequences?" In recent times, the movements of Xiao's family are very frequent, which makes her make up her mind. Only after knowing the reason why Xiao's family started, he thinks that Xiao Zitian will not be so stupid, right?

Qiao Tianchang reaches out and wipes Ning Mengyao's mouth. He doesn't care. "It has nothing to do with us, so don't worry about these things." Qiao Tianchang is not satisfied with Ning Mengyao. She puts her eyes on the people beside her.

"I'm just curious. According to Xiao Zi's search method, I should not let the people of the Xiao family die? Unless he did it on purpose Before he finished speaking, Ning Mengyao was stunned.

Qiao Tianchang looks at Ning Mengyao like that, and can't help but laugh: "think of it?"

"Well, I'm afraid Xiao Zitian had this idea for a long time." Otherwise, the time of this year will not be so consistent with those of the Xiao family.

Qiao Tianchang has always been indifferent to the affairs of outsiders, even though this man has a good relationship with his son.

Reaching for his chin, Ning Mengyao frowned tightly: "I don't know if he can survive at last." After all, the little monkey is going to take him as a subordinate. She doesn't want her son's duck to fly away again.

Fortunately, Xiao Zitian didn't know what Ning Mengyao was thinking. Otherwise, he would spit blood directly, which was too striking. He even compared him with those ducks.

"Whether he can survive or not, it has little to do with us. If he can't survive in such a difficult situation, it means that Shanger is wrong. Such a person is not worth our help." When Qiao Tianchang saw that Ning Mengyao didn't eat any food for other men, he immediately didn't like Xiao Zitian. That made Ning Mengyao funny.

But for what Qiao Tianchang said, she didn't refute it. After all, it's not good for them.

"Tianchang, do I think we are going too far? Knowing that Xiao Zitian did this, we didn't stop him. "

"He did it himself, and it has nothing to do with us." Qiao Tianchang said rudely, but what he said was nothing but to say nothing.

Disdainful look at Qiao Tianchang: "what are you talking about?"

"Well, hurry to eat, and then rest, or do you want to continue?" Qiao Tianchang really didn't want to continue this topic, so he squinted at Ning Mengyao. That was the threat of red fruit.

Ningmengyao is frightened by Qiao Tianchang, so after seeing Qiao Tianchang's dangerous expression, she immediately starts eating very cleverly, and after eating, she begins to lie in bed obediently, without Qiao Tianchang saying at all.