She knew that Xiao Ziyun had been bitten off an arm by a wolf, so that now his position in Xiao's family is not as good as that of a young master in a side room. If Xiao Ziyun had not some means of his own, he would have died.

She has always ignored the wolf who bit Xiao Ziyun. Now she suddenly remembered the sound.

"You even got the snow wolf king. Ning Mengyao doesn't know if I should say that your means are too clever. Even the wolf has fallen into your hands." Snow wolf king, that's the king of wolves. With him, other wolves, what can we be afraid of?

Xue Chuqing smiles at Xiao leisurely, and doesn't want to point out her little careful thought: "you can directly say that you envy."


"After all, it's just envy. It's something you can't envy."

"Yao Yao, you're so funny. Be careful when people get angry. It's not good then." Joe Tianchang said casually.

Ning Mengyao threw Qiao Tianchang's side down and laughed: "I'm not afraid of you. Besides, what else can she do?"

This time, she didn't plan to put Xiao leisurely back. In this case, it's natural for them to kill each other's people.

"Ningmengyao, don't be so arrogant. You kill them for me." Xiao leiran pointed to the angry voice of ningmengyao's husband and wife.

Looking at the hand pointing to herself, Ning Mengyao's eyes narrowed slightly, then the person disappeared instantly, and then the people in the room heard the scream.

At the time of watching, which hand of Xiao leisurely pointed to Ning Mengyao has been broken.

Looking at Xiao leisurely's painful appearance, Ning Mengyao not only didn't have sympathy, but also laughed. The laughter was very cold: "do you know what I hate most? That's someone pointing at me. Unfortunately, you have made my taboo. Xiao leiran, do you think you can't live well? How do you like to get in trouble with us? "

Xiao's pained face turned white. She looked at Ning Mengyao dead, and her eyes were just like killing her.

Looking at Xiao leisurely's eyes, Qiao Tianchang raises his feet and kicks people out directly.

Xiao leiran was kicked out of the hand, the broken hand and hit the ground, his face suddenly turned white, dead looking at the people in front: "Joe Tianchang you have the ability to kill me."

Ning Mengyao sighed heavily and said helplessly, "why do you think we dare not do anything to you?"

Where on earth do they look like they dare not do anything to him?

Xiao leiran's expression slightly changed: "Xiao family won't let you go."

"Will not let us go? Then they come and try to see if they will let us go or if we will let them go. " Ning Mengyao looks at Xiao's words and says.

Xiao leiran is like this now. For them, it's a lost dog.

"Take it away."

People who don't know where they come from dragged Xiao leisurely away.

Xiao leiran was really afraid at this moment, and also really believed that Ning Mengyao and them really wanted her life.

"Ning Mengyao, you let me go."

Xiao leisurely shouted and soon disappeared in the wind. When Ning Mengyao and his wife left, they took a look at them: "leave here, don't go back to Xiao's house."