Several people look at each other, then nod their heads seriously and affirmatively: "we know, we will leave from this place."

When Ning Mengyao and his wife returned, Xiao leiran had been sent to Qingshuang.

There is no objection to this Ning Mengyao. Xiao leisurely did something. She was really angry, and very angry.

Coolly looked at each other: "what's the matter between you and Xiao Zitian?"

Hearing that Ning Mengyao asked Xiao Zi about what he was looking for, Xiao leiran suddenly didn't want to say anything. Seeing her like this, Ning Mengyao was very dissatisfied and frowned tightly: "don't want to tell me? It doesn't matter. There are ways for you to say it. "

She's really not worried about getting words out of other people.

Qingshuang looks at ningmengyao and says, "madam, go to have a rest first. Just give it to me here."

"Qingshuang people are beautiful women. You should take it easy and don't frighten people. If you frighten people, it's our fault." Ning Mengyao said lightly.

"Don't worry, madam. I will remember your words. They will not frighten people." How can they scare people when they don't get the news they want?

Ning Mengyao nodded contentedly and went out of the dark prison.

This just went for a short time, looking at the person from the sky, Ning Mengyao sighed heavily.

"How many times have Xiao Zi asked me to tell you to go through the gate? Can't you understand?" For one year, Dorothy walked on the roof as soon as she could. Now, she is still like this. She can turn over the wall as soon as she could. Is their roof so easy to walk on? In a flagrant way,

really didn't want to make complaints about Xiao Yu's pursuit of such a bad taste. He only felt that he was so blatant and suddenly felt a sense of humour. He thought he thought that he must take the artisans away from him, and the province would find trouble for them.

Xiao Zi nodded, "I know."

"Are you sure you won't take the roof next time?" Ningmengyao didn't believe this guy at all.

Sure enough, Xiao Zitian frowned for a long time, then shook his head: "I don't know."

Cloud a corner of the mouth slightly smoked, this is also Ning Mengyao their husband and wife, if this changes into someone else, still don't know how to clean him up, I'm afraid that will directly give people as a thief to catch up, and then is a fat beat.

The man on the side looked for Xiao Zi and said without words, "what are you here for today?"

"Xiao leisurely in your hands?" Although this is in the voice of Ning Mengyao, it seems very certain.

Ning Mengyao nodded casually: "yes, but what happened?"

"I'm just curious."

"Curious? We've just got people in our hands, and you're just coming. Why don't you come and tell me about curiosity? Xiao Zi looks for you to think that I am a three-year-old child. How deceitful is that? " Ning Mengyao said with a black face.

Xiao Zitian shook his head decisively: "I don't think you are a three-year-old child, you are a 30-year-old woman."

Ningmengyao's eyelids beat a few times. She really wants this person to throw it out directly?

Although she didn't care so much about this, she was still saying that she was old when someone said it out in a daze.

"Xiao Zi looks for me. You have a long skill. Do you want to clean up? If you don't, just tell me. I'll give you a big set meal. " This guy is really annoying. Don't you know that women love beauty the most?