Xiao Zitian looked at Ning Mengyao, who was a hairy girl. He couldn't understand how she suddenly got angry. The angry feeling was somehow baffling.

"I don't seem to have done anything." Xiao Zitian said stupidly.

Take a deep breath and press down the fire in your heart. Ning Mengyao stares at Xiao Zitian fiercely: "say what are you doing here? What's the matter with you and Xiao leiran? "

Xiao Zitian reached out and touched his nose. He said awkwardly, "in fact, it's nothing. It's just that I want to have a quiet life. It's so simple."

Ningmengyao's eyes narrowed slightly and looked at Xiao Zitian coldly: "want Xiao leisurely life? Do you know what the consequences will be? "

Xiao Zi nodded: "of course I know, but she is not dead, and my heart is uneasy."

Ningmengyao is surprised to see xiaozitian. It's the first time that she has seen xiaozitian.

"What happened between you?"

Xiao Zitian looked at Ning Mengyao and said, "wind erosion happened. It was done by Xiao leisurely. If they didn't go to yunzero in time, wind erosion would die. Wind erosion is my most important friend. He is still in bed now. Why is Xiao leiran a good woman? She's got wind erosion, and I'm going to let her pay for it. " Xiao Zi said with hatred in his eyes.

With a sigh, Ning Mengyao looked for Xiao Zi and said, "if so, can I help you or do you want to do it yourself?"

"I want to do it myself."

"Where do you know? After you finish, let Qingshuang give you some healing medicine." Ning Mengyao said directly.

Xiao Zitian also spent a lot of time in the general's mansion. Naturally, he knew what there was in this place. There was nothing wrong with letting him go.

"I see. Thank you."

"Come on, I still want you to sell coolie to my son. How could you have an accident?" Ning Mengyao naturally said. Xiao Zitian took a look at the man on the edge and drew a corner of his eye. He shouldn't have been happy so early.

Xiao Zitian walked towards the dark prison with cloud. When he saw Xiao leisurely, his eyes were full of murderous spirit.

"Why are you here, Xiao Zi?" Qingshuang unexpectedly looks at Xiao Zitian and Yun Yi. How come they suddenly run over? Don't you know that they are enemies now?

Xiao leiran looked at the visitor, and the expression on his face suddenly changed: "is Xiao Zi looking for you to see my joke?"

"I don't have the time to see your jokes. Xiao leiran, you dare to fight against the wind erosion. I want you to pay for his life." Xiao Zitian looked at Xiao leisurely and said with cold eyes.

"You dare."

"Ah, why can't I? This is the general's house. As long as the people in the general's house don't say anything, who knows that I killed you?" Xiao Zitian squatted down and looked at Xiao leisurely and coldly and said.

Xiao Youran's whole people have been stupid. Yes, now they are in the general's house, and Xiao Zitian is not the one who was once at their mercy.

Looking at the people in front of him, Xiao Zi looked at the corner of his mouth and slightly hooked up: "Xiao leisurely, are you particularly unwilling?"

"Xiao Zitian is going to be punished for maiming the same clan. You even want to deal with me for an outsider?"

"When did I say I was from the Xiao family?"