Are they so unreliable? You want this guy to watch?

"I just want to see him safe." Xiao Zitian had some dry explanations. He didn't know how to make this man misunderstand.

"Then wait, we'll take them away by tomorrow morning at the latest." Ning Mengyao looked at him and said in a deep voice.

Xiao Zitian nodded to show that he knew, and then he said nothing more.

Ning Mengyao looked at Xiao Zitian and shook his head gently: "don't worry too much."


After two hours, the tea and tea wiped the sweat and collected the needle. Looking at the person on the bed, "Mom, let's send the person back as soon as possible."

"What's the matter?"

"He looks like this. It will be better and faster with medicine bath and acupuncture. There are herbs at home. There's nothing in this place. We just want to cure him earlier. There's no way." Tea said helplessly.

"We'll go at once."

Naturally, Xiao Zitian didn't stop him. He just looked at the person on the bed and said, "is it OK to walk like this?"

"Don't worry, I will let people use lightness skills to bring back wind erosion first."

Xiao Zitian didn't have any idea, but he was relieved, but Yun Yi was speechless, so he was sure to do it? The pen is too big.

"Madame, are you too big?"

"Which is important?" Ningmengyao did not look at the cloud and asked.

At this time, I'm still thinking about this. Where did this man go?

Cloud touched his nose, embarrassed to say: "I actually say that."

Ningmengyao let the five people around him take turns to take the wind erosion back, and they rode back one step later.

Watching Ning Mengyao leave, the smile on Xiao Zitian's face gradually faded.

"Let's go, Yun Yi."

"Are you OK, young master?" Yun Yi looks at Xiao Zitian worried, frowning slightly.

Xiao Zitian chuckled and said, "OK, you don't have to worry about me. What can I do?"

"But you..."

"Well, needless to say, what do you think of Ning Mengyao Xiao Zitian suddenly asked.

"Very gentle." When ningmengyao gets along with them, she always keeps her momentum in check. Although sometimes she is like a naughty child, some childish, she treats everyone she recognizes gently.

Although she cared about them, every time she said that if it was for the sake of Jomo mourning, how could they not recognize the worry in her voice?

Xiao Zitian looked down at the medicine bottles in his hand. They were given to her when she was about to leave. He said they were all ordered by Ning Mengyao.

"Yes, she is really gentle. I really envy Jomo more and more for them." Having such a mother, such an elder, no matter what, is very happy, right?

Cloud one looks at Xiao Zitian's present appearance, some heartache: "young master?"

"I'm ok. I can get the care and love of Ning Mengyao. In fact, we stole it. I should be satisfied." With such an elder, Xiao Zitian was very relieved.

He can't say what this feeling is, but he thinks that no matter what they do, as long as there is Ning Mengyao, he won't worry. After everything is finished, there is no place to go and no one will accept him.

"Let's go. It's time to deal with those things." Xiao Zitian said softly, the eyes in front of him were cold.