Yun Yi follows Xiao Zixun and leaves. While Ning Mengyao and his friends are on the way, they are killed.

Looking at those people, Ning Mengyao's eyebrows wrinkled tightly. She didn't really like these people very much all of a sudden. It was really eye-catching.


"Feng'er, all of a sudden, I think these people really get in the way." Ning Mengyao looks at these people whispering, but her eyes are getting colder.

Joe mofeng shrunk his neck and stepped back two steps. When Ning Mengyao showed such an expression, he felt very terrible.

Tea tea whispered in Qiao Mo Feng's ear: "Mo, is mother angry?"


now the condition of wind erosion has just been controlled, and it needs treatment to be relieved after going back. But now these people suddenly appear here, which is just an obstacle.

Ningmengyao is angry, usually very serious. Ningmengyao looks at the person in front of him and says, "actually, I don't like roadblocks very much."

"Ah..." One after another screams, let tea reach out to touch his arm, mother is really terrible.

When Ning Mengyao stopped his movements, there were more than ten people lying on the ground. The rest of them, although they looked OK, were just like that, but they were not good enough.

"Why do people of the Xiao family always like to die? Although we don't mind very much, we don't really like it when we just send them to the door like this. " Ning Mengyao looked at those who were injured and wanted to start, and thought it was very interesting.


"Maple is yours."

Qiao Mo Feng immediately started, so did tea and tea. They started at the same time, and the speed was very fast.

Ningmengyao stood on the edge and looked at them like that, frowning slightly.

"Mother's done."

"Well, I'll leave it to you." Ning Mengyao said casually.

“……” Qiao mofeng and his wife helplessly look at Ning Mengyao. What's his mother's saying? What's mutilation for them? Why is this so strange?

Snow is beginning to clear to look at the person on the edge, eyebrow light pick, smile like not smile of say: "you two seem very not willing?"

"Mother, we'll start at once." The two said in unison, and went directly.

Ningmengyao's eyes flashed a thick smile: "OK, let's go."

By the time they got back, Qingshuang was already treating the wind erosion wounds.

"Is aunt Qingshuang OK?"

"It's OK. You deal with it so well. What can he do? Don't worry. " Qingshuang doesn't care who the people in front of her are at all, she says directly.

Tea and tea two people are relieved: "then we are relieved. Aunt Qingshuang has gone to make the medicine. Please look at him."

"Well, you can go quickly. I'll do it here." Qingshuang said casually.

Qingshuang looked at the wind erosion, looked down at the pills in his hand, and quietly underestimated a sentence: "you are lucky."

After the pills are fed in, Qingshuang uses internal power to help wind erosion absorb the effect.

Qiao Tianchang comes back to hear ningmengyao say about the Xiao family, and the expression on his face doesn't change much.

"Tianchang, do you know anything?" Ning Mengyao looks at Qiao Tianchang suspiciously and frowns.

Joe Tianchang chuckled, "what can I know? Don't think about it. "

Looking at Qiao Tianchang's perfunctory appearance, Ning Mengyao's eyes narrowed slightly: "you must have something to hide from me."