Wen Yujing lies on the body of lightning and looks at those frightened and trembling people. Fortunately, they light a torch beside them, and lightning suppresses them. Otherwise, it's hard to say.

"Yuanbao, do you think someone will be scared to pee in his pants?" Wen Yujing felt his chin and said unkindly.

Yuanbao looks at Wen Yujing and frowns slightly: "what do you want to do again?"

Wen Yujing reached out and touched his nose: "I don't want to do anything, just want them to make a fool of themselves."

Today, these people dare to let his elder sister wait for so long. Although there is a meaning of ningmengyao deliberately waiting in the middle, as long as they think of ningmengyao standing at the gate of the city for such a long time, and they are sitting and talking comfortably here, he is very uncomfortable.

Yuanbao shakes his head helplessly: "don't go too far. Mrs. Qiao still has some use in keeping these people."

"Of course I know, so I'd like to play with them a little bit too much." Wen Yujing reached for his chin and said unkindly.

Yuanbao's mouth slightly twitched: "you don't think it's too much?" Yuanbao asked, pointing to the man surrounded by wolves.

Wen Yujing glanced at them and nodded decisively: "it's not too much, just to scare them."

With a sigh, Yuanbao suddenly felt that hearing Yujing was really spoiled.

"Yuanbao, you seem to have a great opinion on my practice?" Wen Yujing looked at Yuanbao discontentedly and said unhappily.

Reaching for his forehead, Yuanbao helplessly said: "you think more, I have no opinion, just want to tell you, if it is too much, Mrs. Qiao will have trouble."

Wen Yujing reached for his chin and thought about it carefully. It seems so. What they have done today, they will be scolded to death by the people after entering the city. They don't need to do anything at all.

"Well, I'm not going to add fuel here." Wen Yujing said generously.

Yuanbao looks at Wen Yujing funny as if he is giving to these people.

When they were talking here, those people were about to collapse. They kept letting the bodyguards on the side kill all the wolves. But the bodyguards on the side were just on guard. They didn't do anything at all and didn't listen to them.

All night long, these people were almost scared to collapse. They also regretted it very much. Why should they stay here and go to the city early?

Until the dawn, the wolves finally slowly dispersed, so that the spirit of those who have been tense guards are greatly relieved, but nothing happened.

But some of the pampered ministers were paralyzed by direct fear and did not dare to get up for a long time.

Seeing their cowardly appearance, Wen Yujing was very dissatisfied and looked at them: "how dare you come to challenge my brother-in-law on this? Where did they come from? "

"You haven't slept all night. Let's go back." Yuanbao didn't answer Wen Yujing's words, but changed the topic.

As for where these people come from, I'm afraid they think the one in the palace will support them.

But he also wondered where these people came from? Other people's sons are still in Qiao Tianchang's hands teaching, how can they think Xiao Qitian will help them to treat Qiao Tianchang?