Wen Yujing stretched out a lot and then moved his stiff neck: "if you don't say I don't think it, I feel really sleepy now. Let's go back, let's go. Let's go home and let my sister make us delicious food."

Yuanbao looks at Wen Yujing with black lines on his face: "is the last sentence the key point?"

"Ha ha, how do you know? Hurry back, there is a good play today. " After that last night, he believed that these people would like to fly to the city at once.

Yuanbao is behind wenyujing. He doesn't know what to say about this kid. How can he grow up?

Just thinking of his brother and sister-in-law, thinking about the people around Ning Mengyao's husband and wife, the corners of their mouths twitched slightly, as if it was a very difficult thing to grow up.

Ningmengyao looks at the question that obviously just came back, but frowns: "where are you, junior?"

"I went out to play. I'm sleepy, but I'm hungry." Wen Yujing looked at Ning Mengyao and said.

Reaching out to Wen Yujing, Ning Mengyao glared at him: "I don't know if I'll come back to sleep after watching the opera. Is it so beautiful?"

"It's not very good, but today's play is absolutely good. Those people nearly collapsed last night. They will definitely go straight to the city today." Wen Yujing said with a frown.

"Come, come, sooner or later, what do you mean by that expression?" Ning Mengyao asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Elder sister, I am dissatisfied. They made you wait so long yesterday. Aren't you angry?" Wen Yujing said unhappily.

He believed that even if Ning Mengyao would not be angry, Qiao Tianchang would never give those people good fruit to eat.

Ning Mengyao picked up her eyebrows and looked at Wen Yujing. "What do you think I need to do today because of yesterday's situation?"

Wen Yujing's eyes turned around, then he laughed: "I see. I'll go out later."

"First you go to dinner, then you go to sleep." Although Yu Jing's mood was still a little excited, he was still tired.

Wen Yujing nodded: "sister, I know you are the best to me. Yuanbao, let's go."

After two people and one beast left, Ning Mengyao's eyes became cold, not angry? Of course she's not angry. After all, it's irrelevant, isn't it?

Muchen goes to Ning Mengyao's side: "are Yaoer ready today?"

"What do I need to prepare?"

Muchen shakes his head funny: "are you really even a junior?"

Ningmengyao laughingly shakes her head. She doesn't plan to smell Yujing, but according to the respect that wenyujing has for her, he will be angry with what those people have done to her. What will happen today depends on wenyujing's mood.

She was very relieved to hear that Yujing did it. After all, there was a Yuanbao beside him. Yuanbao would not let him do anything out of the ordinary.

"Even if the junior does not do anything in the morning, do you think the officials and people in the city will let them go like this?" Ning Mengyao asked with a raised eyebrow.

Muchen is silent. It's not true. Now, compared with Qiao Tianchang, ningmengyao's prestige in the border city is almost as much.

Yesterday, Ning Mengyao was wronged like that. May they agree? What's more, Tianchang is still there. How can the doting wife maniac let things go in such a simple way?