After hearing Yujing's meal, he took Yuanbao to the gate after a casual rest. Looking at the people blocking the gate, he said with a frivolous look: "what are you doing?"

"We're in the way here to keep those people out." And some of the people began to speak.

Wen Yujing couldn't help laughing: "I'm afraid they are coming now."

"How do you know?"

"I was surrounded by wolves last night. Can they not come in a hurry?" Wen Yujing said happily.

Such things should be shared to let everyone know.

Sure enough, the people on the border were immediately satisfied with Wen Yujing's words. That's how they should be.

"That's great. We can't afford these guys that much." And some of the people opened their mouths.

The officials on the border also snorted and asked people to close the gate directly: "we are very busy. We are afraid of spies coming into the city, so it doesn't matter if we close the gate here."

Hearing Yu Jing's laughter, he was very excited and said, "this is good."

So after all the merchants who came to the border city entered the city, the gate closed slowly, and they went to the tower after hearing Yu Jing.

After half an hour, I finally saw that those people were late.

Seeing their rehearsal and hearing Yu Jing's ironic smile, these people are really ungrateful. When it's time, they still want to pay attention to rehearsal. It's really damned.

"They must have thought that Madame would be waiting for them at the door today." Said the official on the side.

"Where did Madame come from so much time? The general and his wife are busy. They are spies. We can't let people in. "


Wen Yujing didn't say anything. He just enjoyed watching the opera. He didn't need to do anything. These officials can make those guys eat too much.

Lying on the city tower and looking at the people below, his mouth slightly hooked up: "Yuanbao, do you think they will be angry?"

"They won't get angry, but the result won't be good."

Hearing that Yu Jing was holding his chin with one hand and looking at the so-called adults coming down from the carriage, he began to put on airs here without doing anything.

When the ministers came to see that all the gates were closed, their faces suddenly changed. Looking at the people on the city floor, they shouted, "what are you doing? We are the imperial envoys from the capital city. Are you the ones who welcome the Imperial Envoys? "

"Imperial envoy? Didn't the imperial envoy go to the city yesterday? Where are you from? It's not necessarily a spy. " The officials on the side opened up.

"Nonsense, I want to see Joe Tianchang and let him out at once." The people below shouted angrily.

Wen Yujing frowns tightly. These people are really ungrateful.

The officials at the edge heard that the following people even called the general's name directly, and said with such high spirits that they would let the general out. What are they?

"What are you? How dare you call our general's name directly? Our general is a top-ranking general. You are only a top-ranking official. Where's your face to let the general come out to see you? " The man on the tower said scornfully.


"You say that you are Imperial Envoys. Do you have evidence?" Wen Yujing opens his mouth at the right time and looks at the people below.

"Of course there is. That is the will." One of them took out the Edict and looked at Wen Yujing with pride.